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Nicely polished take on the pirate ship theme we've seen this jam. I liked your take on naval combat, but it looks like it breaks if you stop moving. I managed top line up behind an enemy ship and they just kept firing at nothing while I destroyed them.

Overall, the pacing is too slow for a game jam. Speeding up the movement and especially the digging time would work wonders for pacing. 

Well done and good job!


Thankyou for your review and taking the time to play, yes you're correct by not moving it does kinda break. I used a navmesh to get the ships to locate the player, my main mechanic was getting them to fire from their sides, taking up a good day of my 2 weeks getting them to learn this. However i opted to go with an easier workaround instead of Rotations and Eulers by giving the player extra targets around their ship for the enemy to zone in on. I could just simply put a loop in to target a different one on the ship but time (like with everyone) was getting shorter.