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I thought the music choice was funny.  I think this was an amazing effort for someone who wanted to practice newly developed skills. I liked the enemy NPCs, not sure if you created them or assets were externally sourced for free? Anyway, this has the beginnings of a fun little shooter and I'm sure in time you can improve on it. Though, a bit disappointed that I didn't see an effort to link to the jam's theme somehow. 

Yes, the music is very funny. I spent a lot of time in the game, also because I am initiating, before and after the deadline, making improvements from the first feedbacks. The game´s got much better, it was worth participating to the jam! The enemies are all free assets found in Unity Asset Store. The inspiration was the jam´s theme: the idea is that you decide in the beginning to follow the light, what you think is your freedom, but in the end you realize it is not exactly what it seems.