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Hello there, I'm sorry to announce that update will be delayed as my laptop needs repair and I don't have any spare system to work with. Hope you all will understand. 


Things happen that you can't always be prepared for. Just looking forward when the update does drop. Hope all goes well.


I'm impatient and disappointed, but that's not your fault shit happens. Take all the time you need


Hope you did back up your progress every week.

Do not worry,  please take all the time you need 👍

God damn you Murphy's law. >:(



The repair part is delayed from past two weeks due to covid restrictions. Fortunately they have offered me a new laptop in exchange of the old one but the model I required will be available on this Thursday. So hopefully work will be continued soon.


Remember to take your chances to rest well before getting the new laptop! ❤️


Sure! I find this work really exciting so sometimes I don't feel like taking rest.


Seeing how much effort you seem to put into it and how much i enoyed the first version, i actually feel really bad that i bought the game in sale for less than two bucks


Glad to hear you enjoyed initial release. I hope it will be much better for upcoming update.

There is no need to feel bad about. I'm really happy you showed support for my work.


Received the new laptop. Now I can resume work.

Yey, the inexorable march of progress resumes!


Yeah! I really hope to finish it quicker without compromising animation quality.