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(1 edit) (+1)

Very fun idea! I personally quite liked the physics interplay between the character and the ball. My brain found the control scheme a little difficult though. I think because the perspective is fixed, it might make more sense if WASD moved according to screen space instead of the character's facing. Was the ability to throw your ball around walls intentional? Seemed a bit like cheating at times :) I also loved the scattered debris that accumulated through the level each time I died!

Thank you! I originally did have the movement be independent of the mouse, but I switched it and then got used to it... I probably should have had someone new to the game test it once to make sure everything made sense! :D

Throwing the ball around corners is intentional-ish... I would prefer the rope didn't go through obstacles, but didn't have time during the game jam to implement the physics for the rope.

Originally the debris was going to clean up automatically, but I thought it was too much fun to watch it accumulate as you die repeatedly :D