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Hi Keyband, feedback is always welcomed; the only trouble is that I sometimes don't get any :o

Ah yes, you're the second person to point that out, and while adding in a button to scroll the text would help, I currently don't know how to do that. Once I do, it'll be added in, so for now, I'll extend the time each block of text remains visible to the player :)

Oh no, not more floaty jumps! :o I thought I had gotten rid of that in my template file, but it seems I was wrong; another reason why it seems floaty could be that the character sprite is itself a little small. Once I've fixed that problem and a few others (enemies not moving, a box that persistently refuses to disappear after finishing off the enemies etc), I'll upload the game again.

Thank you very much for your precise feedback, and I look forward to you enjoying my games :)


 Haha, I can relate to the feedback thing :)

It's okay, IMO jams are exactly for learning new things and learning from our mistakes. I'm sure your future games will be better, each one with more effort and care than the last. Also, you're welcome!


Yes, they help you to decide what you can put in or not put in within a small time frame, and you get better at it over time.

Thank you again for your feedback, and I look forward to playing your games into the future :)