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Such a cool idea! Really like it. I had one game-breaking bug though! The score doesn't reset after you start a new game. I'm sure this was just a minor mistake, but it kinda ruins the whole point of a scoring system :P

I don't like that you make me use the mouse. What about moving the big hand with, say, Q and E and the small hand with A and D. Or A/D and LeftArrow/RightArrow. That way you can interact with both hands at the same time. Or, what if you couldn't move them manually at all, but instead you could change the time scale, as in how fast they go around. That would be really cool! Just put a slider that you can drag, and then multiply the turning speed by the slider value. 

Other than that, really cool entry. I like that you have background music and a pause menu (you have no idea how many games I've played today with no pause menu...) and all the basic functionalities. A sound effect when you destroy the clocks and when the clocks hit the boy would be awesome though. 

Good luck next game jam! :)