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I got stuck early on ha! But a fun concept for sure!

Some points of feedback, should you want them :) 

- since the movement works on a grid based system, I found it difficult to know exactly what tile the characters were on - sometimes a character moved or even didnt move when I expected them to, partly I think due to the graphics used not perfectly filling the tile they're on. An easy fix would be to actually represent the tiles on the floor (through like darker grass or something, if you wanted to keep it contextual).

- i wasn't sure where I was actually supposed to go. initially, I thought I had to get to the things that looked like stone stairs at the bottom of the screen - but then I accidently completed the first level successfully by meeting the characters in the middle - which then made me think I had to get the characters together in every level, which I don't think is actually the case.

overall, a fun game, and i'd definitely like to play more - if the levels were a little easier for someone not smart like me! :D

Thanks very much for the detailed feedback!

I agree that using tiles that actually resembled more grids, or even highlighting the grid lines would've been better. I also wanted to add shadows to the characters to better show where they are but my Photoshop skills weren't high enough for the task. :D

As for goals: you are correct both on that you need to reach the stairs and that you need to get the characters together.  :) On each level, there is a signpost and some shiny-flower-like things on the front of it that shows the only tile where you can approach the stairs from. The goal is to "Re-Join" the pair at the exit sign, so getting both characters on the same tiles anywhere in the middle will be accepted.