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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for the feedback. Yeah the AI is an interesting one - I only did a crash course in it a few days before the jam :D I tried to make them do something a little more interesting, but I think it ends up making them look weird - basically, they dont just try to attack you, they actually try and corner you towards the closest fog! But it's not very clear. I will work on it in future games :) And I'm glad you got all the way through to the end, and enjoyed the ending! It was super fun to learn how to rig that kinda stuff, as I was (as you can probably tell) new to rigging and animating as well

Thank you very much! :)

Wow what a lovely experience! I barked at everything. I didn't know what the xylophone SFX was indicating, but I didn't care anyway because I was too busy woof and barking at friendly doggos. I got sad when I missed some of the dog friends :(

Great fun, challenging levels! I really enjoyed this one, great job to everyone on the team.

Woah this game is JUICY. Acutally a little too juicy, the camera shake when plugged in made my eyes hurt :D Overall, great fun levels and a nice concept full of fun! I really enjoyed just hopping around the levels without actually doing anything - now thats how you know you've got the juice baby!

Great feedback, thanks a lot! As my game was based on arm and hand grab metrics, I had a hard time finding the right size colliders that could be challenging to stretch across the DJ decks but also grab everything when you wanted to . Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed the concept of the game - great! Thanks so much for playing :)

(1 edit)

Thank you! yeah, I found the controller a much better way of interacting with the DJ set, but I couldn't rely on everyone having one of course :) Anyway, thanks so much for playing! <3

Fun characters, funky audio, interesting joining mechanic! My only point is initially I wasn't sure where to go on the first level - the end section particles are quite subtle and I even stood next to them for a while looking for where to go before I realised. I think maybe I assumed the 2 needed to cross the finish line together, so I was looking for something more like that. The yellow 'rocks' stuck out of the players reach looked attractive to me, I thought I needed to collect them somehow. Overall, great fun and quirky! Love it!

The police frogs pausing is actually a bug I didn't get round to fixing, but I hope it adds a little flavour to the gameplay so not too jarring :D Thanks for checking it out!

Fun puzzles to solve! I found if I slid over ice (was it ice? :P) over to a 'fall' tile, it would just put me there, I wouldn't actually fall, which let me cheat my way out of certain death a few times. Also, the 'move' sfx could be turned town just a little, it starts to gnaw at you after you spend a few mins playing! Otherwise, great fun and interesting challenges, well done!

Definitely. If I had another 12 hours, I would have focussed on a better newcomer user experience on the controls, and make the difficulty more forgiving at the start to give the player time to get used to the them before ramping up the difficulty

Thank you! :D Love the enthusiasm!

Great looking game, and authentic audio. Love the presentation!

A strong introduction to the core game mechanics through simple levels which cleverly familiarise the player with the game's concepts. 

Some pointers

- in what I think is the 3rd room, the 'wheel' looked like a dangerous object to me. Maybe because it was spiky, but I thought I had to avoid it. It didnt take me long to figure out it was safe though as I had nowhere else to go, so not too bad!

- 6th (i think) room with the 2 lava pits has an unforgiving start ledge, i fell straight into the lava. doesnt matter though - quick restarts are excellent and this game is super strong at getting the player back into the action

overall, excellent quality and really something to be proud of for only 48 hours of work. the level design is very strong, so huge congrats!

Yeah definitely a janky implementation of a rough idea :D thanks for playing though! I'll check out your game now! :)

really fun to play. would clearly translate into a great mobile game. the sfx were great and perfectly matched the rest of the game. i must admit i didn't realise for a while that i could control the other dot after already selecting one and not letting go. i also think the game was limited by the square boundary it was placed in - i found hitting the sides near a corner was punishing. maybe this could be improved by putting the playspace in a circle, with no corners to get my sphere thing stuck in?

anways, great fun to play, you may have created something highly addicting here

solid fun, and really good level design! a few hiccups - like I didn't know the red floor would kill me, or that red blobs were friendly - but overall, great fun! the dialogue prompts were a great way to contextually introduce the mechanics throughout the game. the SFX were great as well - something about the enemy jumped on sound was super satisfying

great atmosphere, a really tense feeling game! for the first enemy encounter i wasn't sure how to overcome them as i was stuck in a narrow corridor with no exit, and got overwhelmed and died :D. i found that i would play the levels by just running forwards, learning where the enemies are, dying, and then using that knowledge on my replay.

overall, really enjoyed this one! i'd play a full game with that great soundtrack, loved the creepy sneaky vibes!

I got stuck on the second jump in the row of 3 at the start... and I played it for about 10 minutes! A delightfully frustrating game that had me shouting at my screen. Also, the audio quality of the grunts is alarmingly realistic, it felt like someone was there grunting next to me in my room. Cool!

Hey! Are you trying to make me learn things?! Stop it!

A fun concept executed well. Although I must admit - I stopped ready the text and then started to get confused why the molecules didn't join up all the time. I'm a simple person - I want to shoot things at other things >:D

The objectives were a neat touch too, it incentivised me to try harder to do better on levels. Nice! :)

I got stuck early on ha! But a fun concept for sure!

Some points of feedback, should you want them :) 

- since the movement works on a grid based system, I found it difficult to know exactly what tile the characters were on - sometimes a character moved or even didnt move when I expected them to, partly I think due to the graphics used not perfectly filling the tile they're on. An easy fix would be to actually represent the tiles on the floor (through like darker grass or something, if you wanted to keep it contextual).

- i wasn't sure where I was actually supposed to go. initially, I thought I had to get to the things that looked like stone stairs at the bottom of the screen - but then I accidently completed the first level successfully by meeting the characters in the middle - which then made me think I had to get the characters together in every level, which I don't think is actually the case.

overall, a fun game, and i'd definitely like to play more - if the levels were a little easier for someone not smart like me! :D

Plenty of juice in this one - swinging the sword felt super satisfying! I also really enjoyed the art style and the design of the main character. 

My top 3 points for critical feedback are:

1. I found the character controller difficult - attacking in a forward direction whilst controlling the character was difficult to manage all at once, so luckily the enemies are rather forgiving.  My personal preference would be an attack from any direction design - maybe using the mouse and left click as the attack direction?

2. I almost immediately lost track of every coloured blob as soon as the round started - I would pretty much get one set of blobs, and then just try and brute force the rest - especially difficult when lots of blobs are on screen and moving between each other. It seemed impossible to track the pairs once they started moving around.

3. A small thing, but in round 3 (I think) when you introduce the powerup, the text says 'An imposter is among them!' (or something along those lines. I thought that the powerup WAS the imposter, so left it until the end of the round, expecting it to attack me or something. :D I would seperate the introduction of imposter characters (were there actually even any? I didn't realise if so!) and powerups to different levels to gradually introduce the player to new mechanics.

Overall, great job! Definitely something to be proud of :)