F**k yeah I knew the second level wasn't imposible :D but the difficult ramp was to dam crazy check portal with developer comments on to see how to introduce players to new mechanichs, the whole thing of the yellow being able to float, that the blue has gravity while disantangle and all of those mechanichs would be nice to learn them one by one but the second level was brutal, nice and rewarding to pass it tho (more because I saw other people that couldn't do it) but yeah many players are gonna to think it was poor level design to the point of impossibility I was about to quit more than once.
Edit: got stuck on level 4, really nice idea but the levels were to hard to quickly,
edit 2level 3 would be nice before level 2
edit 3 in level 4I was able to put the yellow ball up, but it felt that was a exploit more than a mechanic, and the blue I had no idea how to get it up, is there a way to control the blue instead of the yellow when disantangle?
again I loved the mechanic
edit 4 I just did level 2 again and was far simpler than the first time, other aproach completly