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Hey! It's a nice concept! OK, the game is impossible and didn't even know if you can finish it x) but still funny! Here is one suggestion :

- The switch button to change the color of your character and make the room "doodled" is an interesting concept but not enough useful : Maybe you should add 2 different spikes (normal and white doodle) and the player is not taking damage if he get hit by the spikes of his form, ex : (doodle spikes doesn't hit doodle player).

Otherwise the game is nearly finish, keep doing jams and try to finish your project next time :)

yea...they exist you prob didnt notice tho bc i only made a few finished spikes and like 3 white bc i realized the game was already too hard and i didnt rly have time or motivation the game  was supposed to be a platformer but the restriction kiinda ruined that

also it is possble i made it only 1ce tho ._.