Thank you for playing the game!
The difficult is intended to be an arcade type hard game. But it was my first project created on spare time with few skills and resources I have so I apologize for the unbalanced randomization and unfinnished feel. It was ectremely overwhelming but I will try harder on further projects.
Ranks vary depending on your on distance cleared and weight at which you ended your run. Distance cleared parameter will award an animal name, weight parameter will define the prefix for your animal.
Example you end at 90Kgs with distance between 200 to 300 meters cleared, you will get "Overweight Pig". If you end at 70Kg with distance between 200 to 300 meters cleared, you will get "Thick Pig".
Likewise, if you end at 90Kgs with distance between 200 to 300 meters cleared, you will get "Overweight Pig" whereas if ended at 90Ks but with distance between 500 to 600 meters you will be awarded with "Overweight Panda".
The spalsh art earned at the end of a run solely depends on the weight at which the player ends a run. There are a total of 6 Spalsh art, each relative to its weight rank.
At the moment there are no plans to update the game anytime soon since I am working on another project on spare time.
As for the pink poop, it is generated based on the bad food you eat. Depending on the type of bad food you eat, you will gain a certain value that slowly decreases overtime but will stack up if you keep consuming bad food which eventually maxes out the threshold and forces the character to defecate creating an obstable that loops around the level until stepped on.
I thought about including a meter that could tell the player how much it's incrementing but decided to not include it because it was cluttering the HUD with too much information and could lead to confustion at to why that meter would be there.