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I deffo got the arcade feeling from your game by the sounds and animations it was actually pretty refreshing and cool. I think background music would have been a very nice addition for sure maybe changing speed depending on your weight. For a first project it is very good i'd give

Animation 10/10

Art 10/10

Gameplay 5/10

I feel you got what most game developers would usually struggle with dont to the T. Very very interesting thanks for the detailed response this is a very cool system and it's such a shame because i bet you 99% of people will just assume the rank is random and look no further when the reality is you did implement a working system but it just wasn't stated anywhere which again is why i cannot stress the importance of a Main menu or even tutorial it tells you the Dev cares and knows what they're doing or feels that way anyways. Good luck with the new game, i really hope oneday you revisit this game cause i feel you got so close it really is just missing tweaks. Personally i think being able to go above 90kg would have been a very interesting addition to just the base gameplay it would make the game a little more noob friendly and lets be honest a lot of people would really have liked to be able to actually make her gain some weight since your style is so adorable, but i deffo agree with failing at a certain weight but getting to like 120kg then just being so slow and overweight she is basically waddling would be real cute and fun, need to play some more to test but did you change the jump height based on KG? 

Her jump height does not change based on height.  Early in development I thought about integrating  it, and even a double jump power up, but it felt it would make the game extremely unbalanced. 
Nevertheless, the jump distance does change since she gains speed depending on her weight.
Thank you for your input.