I assume you are using the linux version… could you run the program like so:
and paste the output here?
i'm having the same problem attempting to run this on arch linux. here's the output when running the command you gave from inside the "strawberry" directory:
[debug] application startup...
[debug] heap resized to 1048576 bytes
[debug] stack bottom is 0x7ffe1170f5d0.
[debug] entering toplevel toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel library_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel build_2dversion_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel eval_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel expand_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel modules_toplevel...
[debug] resizing mutation stack from 8k to 16k ...
[debug] entering toplevel chicken_2dsyntax_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel srfi_2d4_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel extras_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel data_2dstructures_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel posix_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel scheduler_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel irregex_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel files_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel ports_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel lolevel_toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel srfi_2d69_toplevel...
; loading /home/freya/games/confiture_de_fraises/strawberry/bitstring.so ...
[debug] loading compiled module `/home/freya/games/confiture_de_fraises/strawberry/bitstring.so' (handle is 0x00005625cd744930)
[debug] entering toplevel toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel srfi_2d1_toplevel...
; loading /home/freya/games/confiture_de_fraises/strawberry/sdl2.so ...
[debug] loading compiled module `/home/freya/games/confiture_de_fraises/strawberry/sdl2.so' (handle is 0x00005625cd746560)
[debug] entering toplevel toplevel...
[debug] entering toplevel srfi_2d18_toplevel...
; loading /home/freya/games/confiture_de_fraises/strawberry/sdl2-internals.so ... Error: (load) unable to load compiled module - libsndio.so.6.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory: "/home/freya/games/confiture_de_fraises/strawberry/sdl2-internals.so"