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Neat game! I really liked the design of the beavers and there was definite tension between trying to protect the saplings + plant new ones! The game could possibly do with more feedback when hitting (shooing?) the beavers though - while I was playing I thought my hits (/shoos) weren't always registering, but it seems (by reading the comments below) that they might have healthbars + thus require multiple swings to fend off? If the beavers reacted in some way to a swing, I think this would be a lot clearer. Seriously great stuff for only 48 hours though!

Thanks so much for taking the time to leave feedback. I realise after the fact that the sound effect for hitting the beavers want enough, especially considering that they don't even react. Some people probably thought the sound effect was just from swinging the shovel itself. I'll work on implementing something clearer for a future release.