HDog Ace Access Build 0.951 (Full Spectrum)
New Stuff:
- X new player jet added. The default is now the new hybrid craft, still starting with random gear. All others have a fixed loadout
- Many Items, Jets and alternate zone types now require unlocking before being available
- Title Screen now lets you select the different jets (after you have unlocked them); each one launches from its own carrier unit
- 12 New passives added
- 1 previously unavailable active added
- Extended persistent unlock save file, added unlock framework
- Added unlock messages and autosave icon
- Chest now have a small chance of their content being unidentifiable until pickup (higher on malfunctioning chests and with certain items)
- Stores now always have a health pickup for sale
- Player death is a little more flashy now
- Music: Final version of the title theme and final boss theme added; one final late game track added
- The title screen now shows you which gear the currently selected jet has (it'l also show up on the pause screen)
- Added text to title screen telling you which jet you have selected
- Jets now have names apart from their callsign and technical designation
- Added dummy items visualizing that The Fur starts with random gear
- Launching from the title screen now requires executing the usual 3-tap boost
- Added small tell for when player jump goes off cooldown
- Added a framework for actives charging while your shield regenerates
- Remastered original low-tech jet sprite
- Advanced Kinetics and Jump Mine shot graphic reworked
- Wave objectives that require you to eliminate certain enemies now have a text header showing your progress
- SRM storage balloon drops now scale -
Shard Shield charges less per second now, but charges fast whenever your shield regenerates
- Contained Explosion, Your Own Rules and Every Weapon Attachment make you more cool now
- Glass Configuration damage bonus increased, shield and collision damage penalty lowered
- Glass Configuration and Shield Heart sprites reworked to set them better apart
- Shield Heart is now Broken Heart and gained a secret synergy
- Love now also confuses your item perception a bit :)
- Skyborne regain damage threshold now increases way more after a successful regain, but additional Skyborn stacks will lead to less increase
- Gun Drive now gives your jump shots less damage bonus per stack, but each copy of the items has you fire an additional shot
- Hyperspace Streamlining now has you retain your jump boost force for longer
- Money Equals Poverty reduces your srm pickups by less, but now also increases store prices a bit
- Shield strain from unclean jumps is lower now
- Player coolness now featured more into chance of choice chests spawning
- Store chests now randomize their base price based on zone count instead of difficulty lvl (preventing stores from being very cheap if spawned early)
- Made gradient background generation less memory intensive
- Hardlight Sai now has a ranged charge attack
- Taking damage now triggers all acum damage stored in enemies and resets your dmg dealt cache
- "Destroy Mobile AA" objective now scales up way slower
- Flak Ammo shots will now inherit acum damage state from their parent shot
- Flak Ammo now works on melee, producing multi-strike attacks
- Scatter Ammo now works on melee, producing dual-wield attacks
- Scatter Ammo now lowers attack rate instead of damage
- Reverse thrust and strafing now resets cam y gravity
- Ending intermission with mouse controls now only requires one click
- Super AWACS, all jam domes and heavy gunships have less health now
- Hostile scatter drone shot lifetime reduced
- Armoured suit burst rate increased
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed global wave advance combat chatter using the wrong text
- Fixed SRM Bomb active not showing up in any loot lists
- Fixed some background suns not being correctly centered on the title screen star
- Fixed player coolness accidentally lowering choice chest chance
- Fixed a problem causing first intermission select action to bug out if no regular chests are present
- Fixed a bug causing ui select sound to play when attempting to select right even though no items are selectable there
- Fixed laser chainguns not being displayed correctly on pause screen
- Fixed flock drone target helper not being hidden
- Fixed flock drones not falling into formation correctly during intermission
- Fixed heart pickups not being destroyed on zone jumps
- Fixed Skyborne heart ui breaking when picking up items that lower health max below current health
- Fixed boost skimming the ground leading to some glitchy jet behavior
- Fixed intermission camera glitching out when triggering advance while player jet is ground tunneling/in the clouds
- Fixed particles and dust fountains spawning even while environment is faded out during intermission launch
- Fixed a problem where gunships would disappear into the ground without being destroyed, potentially denying objective kills
- Fixed mouse cursor moving off screen when enabling mouse aim
- Fixed active item icon not being re-centered after activation
- Fixed some burst activation glitches on slow burst fire weapons
- Fixed a problem where a denied Super AWACS spawn would prevent later spawns, event for objectives
-Fixed Floatoid bombers being completely unaware of sky islands, leading to a lot of crashing
- Fixed purple smoke emitters not being removed on wave advance (?)
- Fixed first wave of a zone not inheriting new zone states correctly
- Fixed most ai controlled enemies not using their custom portrait for combat chatter