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I must have missed something, level 5 is impossible since i cannot move blocks after i go through them. the ladder only allows up and down travel and there are no blocks that allow travel in the right direction other than the straight hall block and i run out of space when trying to travel down. What do i do? Otherwise, game looks good, feels good. Especially for a game built in 2 days.  For the audience that likes puzzles and a challenge, Im not sure if its possible but i guess people have done it so It must be pretty good.  some background music would make this even better

(1 edit)

Hi Banshee, thanks for playing.  

If you want to give level 5 another shot, here's a  gentle hint:

The secret is in the "memory" tile that you gained during the interlude. You can drag a tile to your memory to remember it, which will allow a tile to stick around when it should otherwise be blinked out of existence. 

Or, here's the outright spoiler (paste this text into to see)

Cynpr rnfg gvyr vagb zrzbel
Tb qbja ynqqre
Cynpr rnfg gvyr sebz zrzbel gb znxr oevqtr cneg 1
Cynpr rnfg gvyr sebz obneq gb znxr oevqtr cneg 2