It gets hard really quickly! x) The concept is pretty interesting, and there are some interesting ideas in the level-design. However, the controls and movement feeling are... not very great. More than once I got stucked on platforms, couldn't jump for mysterious reasons, or was pushed toward an edge and forced to start the level all over again. The platforming is very punitive, and gets in the way of the puzzle solving. Also, even though I always applauds original music in a jam's game, this one gets a bit obnoxious after a while. It's nice, but I think it works more as an intro than as a loop you hear on the entire game.
So yeah, there's a lot of apparent work, a generous amount of levels with some varieties and goode ideas, plus quite a good job on the art and music! But I think it could benefits for either some polishing on the platform aspect, or a balancing on the difficulty to gives more focus to the puzzle aspect.