First off, the explosion of your friend-robots when they hit the edge of the map is hilarious. Don't know if that was intended, but I found myself giggling at the ends of levels when they exploded :)
I would remove completely or combine the first two levels of the game. It's pretty obvious that going over the edge of the map is going to result in a bad time, and it takes up time that someone could be playing the end levels of the game, which are more fun. I'd also recommend maybe one or two more levels with the more advanced stuff - it felt like as soon as I got to the fun, tougher puzzles, they were over.
Consider adding some sounds! I imagine it was just not a priority for the jam, but I think that would help immerse you a bit in the game! (especially when the robots explode :) )
Finally, kudos to you for managing to make so many clear 3-D assets and include them in your game in 48 hours. That's not easy, and I never had trouble telling what something was in the game world, which is all that you really need for jam purposes!
Great game!