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Looks interesting! =)

It is inconvenient to play, the controls are not familiar and not convenient (for me, at least). Not enough music.

At some point, I felt like Skywalker flying at the Death Star. =)


Thanks for playing the game and for giving the feedback !

Really pleased re the feeling of Skywalker attacking the Death Star - I'll take that as the highest compliment :-) 

Point taken on more music, I'll look to add more in the future, thanks for the feedback. 

Good luck with your submission too

Thank you for your wish. I hope to read your review too ;)


I have added a v2 with alternative key and mouse controls and a sensitivity setting, if you get the chance would be great for any feedback

(music is something for after the jam)

Okay. As soon as the opportunity arises, I will definitely launch it.

I tried the new version, it is played more vigorously, better. Most likely, this is how you conceived control focusing on a specific experience or game, therefore in similar games that I tried, usually control of the mouse sight, and the direction of flight with the buttons on the keyboard.


thank you !