Moreover, if you lose this battle, you have to repeat the 2 cyborgs battles again because there is no break between the 3 battles.
And it is annoying to have to repeat 3 battles just because you lost the third.
So may I suggest a change of pace to make this experience more enjoyable?
Instead of the General throwing everything in a row at you, he could just order Bella to capture you then leave.
Then you defeat Bella and you are free to explore again, which gives you the ability to save so you don't have to repeat Bella battle, even if it is easy.
So you go after the General, he expresses his disappointment of Bella not being able to capture you, yada yada, and he orders Kael to capture you and leaves once again.
So you defeat Kael then are free to explore and save again.
THEN you go after the General and he was awaiting you aboard his mecha.
To sum it up, you have to add 2 more maps, one for Kael battle and the other for the General's mecha encounter, because you defeat Bella at the entrance of the facility, as it already is the case, then you go after the General because he left you alone with Bella, so you arrive into a new map, in this map you encounter the General who throws Kael at you then leaves the map, you battle and defeat Kael, then you save and resume your pursuit of the General and arrive into a new map where he was awaiting you aboard the SF_Machine (because I expect you to replace the off-topic steam-punk mecha with the more consistent SF_Machine ;-p), he blows your party out of the building and it resumes the game as it currently is, the cutscene and the boss battle in front of the damaged facility.
By making these changes, you allow players to save between each battle and not have to repeat all over again if they lose one of them, moreover you add a bit more of content to explore in the game, what do you think? ;-)