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aaaaaaaaaaaaah okay hahahahahahaha silly me XD yep, it works fine,

just one last little thing, although it is a bit insinuating, now the plugin changes the objects without problems and you can use the objects too, all good, but I use the plugin chrono engine for the game I'm doing, and well.

As in the screenshot I'm sending you, when I change an object to another, the object is not shown in the box "Item" I do not know if it is because you use a plugin that does the same thing, but it is not from Mog Hunter, if so, I would like to know which is so that when the player changes from one object to another, it is shown in the box "Item" in real time.

This is the plugin I use for items

sorry for being so annoying XD if I knew how to fix it myself I swear I would, but I don't know how to :u

And finally, I wanted to give you an idea, this plugin is wonderful and has a lot of power, but for example there are games in which the player can use several skills, it would be great if you made a plugin that is the same as this, but for skills, I... I would buy it  XD

Just as a quick update I've taken a look into the Hud Plugin you're using and found a way to make it work but I'm trying out other ideas to find what works best. Currently I have it changing the icon that shows in the Item box on the HUD but I'm not 100% satisfied with this method until I try some others as well. I'll post with an update some time soon for this so far it's been rather simple to add in.

The HUD that is used in the youtube video for this plugin which shows the effect you're looking for was actually made using SumRndmDde's HUD Maker to display the images.


Aaaaah, I understand, thanks for telling me, it would be great if you manage to make it work with mog hunter hud, but the plugin is great, worth every penny and more :3