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Impressive! Nice graphics, presentation, ending and the rope simulation is fun to play with though the clickables may sometimes feel small and hard to handle.

Great job!


Hey! Thanks for playing, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the ending! The rope simulation was so tough to set up (see here!), so I'm happy to hear that the end result was fun for you. 

What do you mean by the clickables feel small and hard to handle? Is it to do with the collision only working when you're right next to them? I agree that this is not optimal but the reason it's like this is because when I had collision enabled from further away, the velocity at which the item you picked up would accelerate towards you to appear instant was too great and I didn't have time to deal with this. In a more polished version of the game without time constraint, this is definitely something I would ensure was in place.

Do you have any other suggestions?

The hitzones are small and sometimes my character gets in front and I can't pick them up. Since you can't pick them up from afar, maybe using a button press to pick them up would feel more intuitive? (Closest pickable object could be highlighted when close enough)


I agree button controls would be good but it gets a little more complicated when you're near a plug bank with multiple plugs. It's quite hard to guess what the player intends to do upon pressing the action button

1. Pick up entire plug bank

2. Disconnect plug 1

3. Disconnect plug 2

4. Pick up nearby plug (?)

So that's why I went with mouse controls in the end! 

Makes sense! You went a long way for this jam, congrats!

Thanks again for the feedback!