Thank you so much for your detailed feedback! We appreciate it a lot
I'm still surprised many like you like the UI (because I made it myself, and I am no artist)
About your points:
- I agree the text should wait for input, but I implemented most of that on the last hours and did little to no testing because I wanted to get done with all of that. Anyways I will fix it after the jam
- About the window, like I said to you on discord, that was the plan, but again I had no time left to implement all of that (and also we had no artist).
- That's a valid point, what I intended to do was to give the player the sensation of "some time passed, you are woken up again to make another desition" but it's true it wasn't clear enough, I think its mostly due to the almost static UI
Currently there are only 6 events, counting the intro and the good ending (wich triggers if no other event is available)
We all liked how the game turned out so we are planning to extend it with many more events and other stuff (probably minigames) that I did not have the time to implement, so we welcome you and everybody else to check on it in the near future
Thanks again for playing it!