I started over with clean PROGRAM folder from NH 2018 build, fixed the libriary syntax erros. The game starts, loads the PA! splash video and then just black screen. Error log shows this:
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'LanguageGetDefaultLanguage' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'GetSaveDirectory' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'GetProgramDirectory' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'GetResourceDirectory' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_MakeNode' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_DeleteNode' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_WindowShow' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_WindowDisable' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_IsWindowEnable' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_WindowAddNode' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'DialogAssembleStr' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'DialogAddParamToStr' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_StoreNodeLocksWithOff' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_RestoreNodeLocks' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_IsKeyPressed' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'XI_RegistryExitKey' not declared
COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16
native function 'AddControlTreeNode' not declared
RUNTIME ERROR - file: battle_interface\loginterface.c; line: 31
Can't create class: ActionIntrface
RUNTIME ERROR - file: ships\ships_init.c; line: 210
Invalid function call
RUNTIME ERROR - file: ships\ships_init.c; line: 210
function 'InitShips' stack error