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I started over with clean PROGRAM folder from NH 2018 build, fixed the libriary syntax erros. The game starts, loads the PA! splash video and then just black screen. Error log shows this:

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'LanguageGetDefaultLanguage' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'GetSaveDirectory' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'GetProgramDirectory' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'GetResourceDirectory' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_MakeNode' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_DeleteNode' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_WindowShow' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_WindowDisable' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_IsWindowEnable' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_WindowAddNode' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'DialogAssembleStr' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'DialogAddParamToStr' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_StoreNodeLocksWithOff' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_RestoreNodeLocks' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_IsKeyPressed' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'XI_RegistryExitKey' not declared

COMPILE ERROR - file: interface\utilite.c; line: 16

native function 'AddControlTreeNode' not declared

RUNTIME ERROR - file: battle_interface\loginterface.c; line: 31

Can't create class: ActionIntrface

RUNTIME ERROR - file: ships\ships_init.c; line: 210

Invalid function call

RUNTIME ERROR - file: ships\ships_init.c; line: 210

function 'InitShips' stack error

(2 edits)

If you start over, then you have to compare the old, working 2016 version, every file, that works for Maelstrom to the new one and add, remove, change the relevant parts again.  You have to add the new native function declarations that exist in Maelstrom, but not Storm 2.0, you have to remove the native function declarations that no longer exist in Maelstrom, change those SendMessage statements that don't have the correct parameters because they changed from 2.0 to 2.8, you have to modify all the LogInterface, BattleInterface and flag things that don't work the same, the sound messages/calls that are different, etc. 

There are literally hundreds of lines that need to change.

I'm doing that, but now I got stuck with this line: #library "script_interface_functions" in INTERFACE\utilite.c and don't know how to figure it out.

It would probably be easiest to use the from my New Horizons and compare those files.  If you do a side-by-side comparison of utilite.c, the one from my New Horizons compiles just fine, so find the differences that contribute to the errors you see and make it more like the one that works, unless it looks like some of the changes are accurate for compilation and apply to the newer version because they wanted logic modification for their newer version.