I quite liked how the character looked, especially the facial expression. Also the music and the setting really transmitted the right feel. That being said, here are some issues I found / suggestions for improvement:
- I didn't understand very well how collecting the herbs is supposed to work. In the beginning there's an indication of X for herb, I thought it was the key to collect the herbs, but they just disappear when I go over them, so are they picked automatically? There's no counter indicating how many herbs we collected so far. So what is the X for?
- There's some issue with the character movement, sometimes it becomes jittery and slow for a bit.
- In a more polished version it would be nice having extra player animations for walking down/up.
- Sometimes the character plays the attack animation without the player having pressed the attack key, which is kind of confusing.
- The music stops playing after a while, I don't know if that's intentional?