Day 1
Day 1 was just a lot of thinking/organising/making very basic place-holder assets to get the ball rolling, and I don't really have any screenshots. But that was when I decided to just limit the game to two stages: a walking around Athens stage, and then a mini-boss-battle. The idea for a boss battle is for Myrrhine to be invited to a dinner by an important Athenian, and while there, she's challenged to a game of kottabos. This was a real ancient Greek dinner game, where attendees try to hit a special lamp-stand by throwing wine out of a cup at it (!): the goal was to knock off a metal disc balanced at the top. But I thought it really lent itself to a super-simple projectile game which I could attempt to make in Unity.
Day 2
After deciding all of this, I made a *real* simple prototype of the kottabos game. (The wine is... meant to be that incredibly weird looking droplet/blob thing... which I am dying to fix so it doesn't look so horrible, but I don't want to waste too much time on aesthetics when I just need to get things working!). It took a full day to figure out the coding for this, even though I was basically working directly from YouTube tutorials and Unity Answers, but I learned a lot!
Basically, the player holds down the space key to 'charge up' throwing the wine, and the wine is thrown in the direction of the mouse cursor.
Day 3
Today was all about finishing off the basic kottabos game. I wanted to add a little gauge so the player could know how much they had 'charged' up their throw, which is the top bar in this gif. But, I wanted to add a little twist, so that it wasn't just a simple projectile shooting game: I wanted the player to be able to 'fill up' their glass (which I haven't drawn in yet, oops) with wine by holding down the 'E' key. This would add more mass to the... 'wine blob'..., so it's harder to throw further, and the 'fill' level would be visible with another gauge (the bottom one).
It was good to figure out how to change the mass of a prefab like this, and also figure out the UI involved in making the two bars. I also added a little score counter to the top, although I haven't coded in the game stopping after 3 throws. (Also need to play-test it more to see if they should have more attempts to hit the top of the lamp, etc etc...)
So, things left to do for the kottabos game: add the glass to Myrrhine's sprite, program the top part of the lamp-stand to fall down when it's hit, stop the game after 3 hits, and also fix up the boundaries for the wine blob so it doesn't just fly off the side of the screen. And obviously mess around with the amount of force applied to the wine/its maximum mass, so that it feels more realistic. Overall, though, I'm pretty happy that I managed to figure out how to scrape this all together so far!
Tomorrow, I'm taking a bit of a break from kottabos and working on figuring out Inky and a dialogue system. I think this is going to be a really big challenge, but if it's too much I'll just focus on polishing up the kottabos mini-game for the rest of the jam.