Day 9 (I think...)
This is *not* pretty, but it's functional, at last(!!). Thanks to this tutorial and other videos on that channel, I finally have a bare-bones dialogue system.

So, the dialogue box is all mushed at the moment because I just threw it in without worrying about aspect ratio at the moment. Buuut when I do get time to do that, it'll be a little stele in itself, which is the name given to inscribed stones which were displayed around Athens, and on which Myrrhine's inscriptions can be found. I just wanted a nice little nod to the source material which was the inspiration for all of this!
Anyway, I didn't actually think I would get the dialogue system finished by the end of the jam, so I'm super pleased. Final task for it is to figure out how to destroy everything once I reach the end of the dialogue (maybe I can use tags or something from Inky...?). Then, I'll try and in-fill as much of the game as possible before Saturday, and hopefully have something to submit by Sunday!