I Will point out some stuff that i found in the game :
1- why didn’t you tell us we need to keep the slider in the middle, cause i thought that the slider goes down when i got killed, not when i am in a specific side.
2- The Game is fun …. But too OP, the enemies in a short amount of time will become too much, also, isn’t there a “Hold Shooting” button ?, that would help.
3- the game is …. Just not exactly related to the theme, yeah there are 2 sides & you need to keep moving between them, but that’s just it, i would have liked something like : You Have to sides, you can only switch to one side at a time, & you need to try killing as much enemies in both sides as possible, or you will die.
Overall, not a bad game, just would have liked more, but it is understandable, Bye :D