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A member registered Jun 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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That's true, right now it's basically a moderately polished empty game. Thanks for the kind words!

Thanks! We're talking about continuing the project, it was quite fun to work on.

Thank you! The lose-state was added to the game at the last minute as we had to have something cause a game-over before submitting. Obviously that led to it being quite annoying and buggy, sorry. We originally had something else intended but inexperience got in the way.

Immediately after the deadline, we realized we could've made placing furniture directly give you some money every second as a band-aid to create a slightly more fun clicker game of sorts. Perfect timing.

Thank you! We're both relatively inexperienced with Unity, our game dev platform of choice, so the project's development was filled with tutorial-binging and frantic searches online, haha. Hopefully we can get something complete next time.

Fun gameplay, with just the right amount of difficulty. I'd love to see this game expanded: more enemies, more items, new scenes, powerups...

Nice job!

I loved this game! It's tense and fun to multitask, and the art and sound enhanced that. Perhaps a bit monotonous at times but add another enemy type here and a new resource there and it would be easily fixed.

A great game! The shifting perspectives creates a very interesting mechanic arsenal as you build up more views, and the presentation is great, too. Just imagine even more perspectives, like first-person, different planes for 2d views, and even multiple cameras! The idea definitely has potential.

and that’s an easy problem to fix too it just slipped by ngngnngnggngnng

But thank you!

Thanks, we will!

The idea was actually pretty innovative, and the art and music were cool. I suggest more enemies and a slightly more responsive way to maneuver. More wave-forms would be cool too!

Wow this game is great! There's just so much polish and the gameplay is very engaging. It was a bit confusing at first with the level design and three dimensions but still very cool once I got the hang of it. Not quite sure where the "one room" theme fits in though, is it because there's only one massive level?

also the music is dope

(2 edits)

A note from the developers:

Hi, this game is MUCH more incomplete than we envisioned it to be. We wanted there to be a growing number of residents in the house (hence the unused UI on the left) who would have a happiness stat, which could be raised by giving them furniture. We ran out of time, so here's an incomplete version of the game, with a few graphical glitches. We hope you still enjoy the graphics, music, and barebones gameplay anyways! :)

Known Bugs:

1. Selecting the furniture items only works some of the time.

2. Items larger than one block do not snap to the grid properly.

3. Some missing features, including redundant UI for a tenant and happiness system.

4. Some objects place on top of each other.

5. The Income stat on the Game Over screen maintains itself between attempts.

6. You can place furniture in the same block twice.


oh yea it’s kinda like the trans flag interesting 

Fun and with great presentation, too! Maybe a bit of ambient music could have improved it. It was rather fast paced and a little confusing at first, but I got the hang of it. Good job!

Oh that’s true, thanks. New enemies and a repelling force between enemies could definitely solve that problem.

Thanks for the feedback! And sure, I can rate your game.

Wow, this is a really polished game, well done. There was customization and art, and the gameplay was pretty engaging. Kinda hard, too!

Thanks! Got all those ideas down on a to-do list, haha.

Thanks for the feedback and kind words!

Thanks! Yea, the enemy health was pretty arbitrary, definitely something we should've looked more at. We also wanted to add an enemy ondamage effect, but oh well. Thanks for the praise!

A cool concept, but I was confused at first as to what the commands were. More clear tiling on the floor might also help. Overall, a great game! Also, what are the "two sides"?

Sweet story and art! I like how the tutorial was so fluid. The movement was a bit weird, though.

Wow, what a hard game. An easy mode would be nice, maybe just slowing down movement so that there's more time to react. Simple, yet fun. Maybe some music would help out.

Wow, this game was fun! It was fun to figure out how the seeds worked by myself, but I mostly did so using luck, so maybe clearly marking it as a seed would be better. I like how it shifted genres, from a puzzler to a platformer. The visuals were a bit wonky and some levels a bit unforgiving, but overall really good! Nice variation on the theme. I've always wanted to play a time-switching game.

Yea, the slider was a bit ambiguous. We originally wanted it to be a thermometer, which would have conveyed pretty clearly that you don't want it to hit the extremes. Is it too hard? We might need different difficulty levels, hmmm...

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! It does get pretty repetitive, which could be fixed by levels, more weapons, cover, difficulty curves, etc. I'm taking notes!

Oh, thanks for the new feedback! :O wow big score, though I do suppose it's not too get that far. We never got around to a difficulty curve, ehe. And nope, there wasn't audio, we didn't have time. Some people are suggesting a melee weapon, hmmm...

Thank you! Music was going to be added but then slow building of the game got in the way, haha.

(1 edit)

Ooh, level design would be cool. As of now the game has no win-state and the most boring high score system ever. Thanks!

A unique take on the theme, rather distanced from the obvious choices. Nice! It was a bit hard after a while though (but maybe that's just me, ha!)

The graphics were nice and I liked the minimap showing you where you would end up on the other side. It made for some cool puzzles. Nice job!

Wow that double jump is crazy

But yes, it's a cool game! The concept is neat and novel, and the art very satisfying. There were only a few movement bugs (got caught on a ledge!)

It took a while for me to figure out what was different between the two halves, but once I did, it was a neat puzzler. Cool!

The art was really appealing, as was the music. The game is a little slow at first but could definitely be expanded to be really sophisticated.

Nice and minimalistic! The sound design is also very cool. Maybe some music could build in strength as the tension increases.

Thanks! Yeah, we wanted to get around to sound and music but we didn't have time. Next time it is.