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Well done! This is a great game, I really liked the background art. The audio was good too, made killing the shirts very satisfying.  Overall a well made game that I played longer then I thought I would. I like the upgrade system, didn't realize till after a couple of rounds, I forgot about it lol. 

My thoughts/feedback:

  • Make the interactive health/gramophone/liquid stand out more, like the player? It blended into the background and trying to find the correct interactive spot was a bit of a pain.
  • Make the platforms jump through underneath? The floaty jump I understand as it adds to the timer panic  but i think it could help the movement  be more smooth.
  • Add a night shift timer visual like the day shift, I did find the skip night button later but still. 
  • Have the rotation of the weapon be controlled by mouse?  Or the blast more wide spread as it was pretty horizontal. 
  • Add a jump sprite? As often didn't know If I had already made use of the double a jump.
  • Enemy/weapon variation type? Like a sock that flies really fast? or A towel that's slow and soaks a lot of damage.
  • Maybe a blast bath bomb, I ended up getting ambushed from all sides and died on night 7 So having a "clear all" trump card would have been nice.

All in all, good game I had fun.


Thanks a lot for the feedback, glad you liked our game :) 

To answer your thoughts: 

  - It was planed to make the interactive elements stand out more, we just didn't had the time to do so, but I do agree with you (there was a lot of things that we skipped so that we can submit something polished actually). Actually you should have an indicator with the Input  Y/E icon appearance but it's still is not enough I think

  - I didn't explore that idea too much but yeah, one way platforms could feel more accurate, we could definitely add that, I'll look into it. 

  - The night shouldn't have a timer, as you have to kill all the ghosts to end it, but we need to improve the end of the night when there is only a few ghost lefts so that it's not that annoying to just move arround to find the last one of them

  - We wanted to give the range weapon the same possibility the player have with the melee one (up and down attack), but we already had a lot of animations to do in a too short time (we spend a lot of time making the map background and finding a visual identity that feat well with the game's mood), and we didn't wanted to make attacks without a real visual feedback of the attack you made. I don't regret these decision but overall that makes the ranged weapon really too weak 

- the jump needs indeed to have more visual feedback, I totally agree 

- Same as before, differents enemy type were planed but you know, short amount of time :D That's funny you mentionned a sock as we do have a sketch of a sock ennemy btw!

- I think that is a great idea. Like some kind of ultimate ability that take time to reload or something like that, I will definitely keep this idea in mind if we keep working on the game post jam!


Np, it was good!

- I understand cutting things due to time no need to defend your game I'm offering some ideas :). Yeah the Y/E icon wasn't very clear and only showed up if you walk infront of the objects.

- Yeah it might be a bad idea, maybe change the gravity? Idk if it doesnt work no big deal.

- ah...maybe have a counter to show that the're ghost left? I just thought there was a timer due to having one in the other side. I'm sure it was all explained. Yeah I just  stayed in the middle waiting for them so the day time I wouldnt have to run to far XD.

- well it paid off right , the bg looks great! yeah well nothing is perfect in this ammount of time. But yeah the weapons could proably use an upgrade. 

- ha ha, great minds think a like. 

- cool, yeah its just a way to cover up the ambush would be good. Same thing with the one way platforms so you could escape. Well its up to you, its your game.

- oh and I forgot to say last time that there is a typo in the how to play "night" is spellt nifht. Just in case you missed it lol.  


I think that one way platform could be great honestly! And there is actually a ghost counter on the upper right of the UI during night :) 

And about the "nifht" hing, we saw that too, we corrected it before the jam but apparently it just didn't saved :D Happens, lol 

But honestly your feedback was of great value so thanks a lot for it!