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Kurts Kiwi Friend

A member registered May 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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You did the best you could and was one of the best people I've worked with (honestly, since people just ghosted) I sometimes cringe at how I was asking for too much, but we made a thing and that's more than what others could say. Could to see you're well.

Neat little game, had fun running around. Impressive work, I would suggest increasing the speed of the sheep 10x haha.

I meant other people’s games , but yeah we tried for the browser but the file was to big lmao

the best way to get someone to play is to play their game! (And leave a comment) It’s a give and take!

thank you for playing and commenting, yes we all worked hard and so I’m glad to hear that all areas are well received!

thank you for playing and leaving a nice comment.

You go out of the cinema and attack people "F" . (when in werewolf form). 

Wait, so you played the game within the cinema and still had fun? 

Np, it was good!

- I understand cutting things due to time no need to defend your game I'm offering some ideas :). Yeah the Y/E icon wasn't very clear and only showed up if you walk infront of the objects.

- Yeah it might be a bad idea, maybe change the gravity? Idk if it doesnt work no big deal.

- ah...maybe have a counter to show that the're ghost left? I just thought there was a timer due to having one in the other side. I'm sure it was all explained. Yeah I just  stayed in the middle waiting for them so the day time I wouldnt have to run to far XD.

- well it paid off right , the bg looks great! yeah well nothing is perfect in this ammount of time. But yeah the weapons could proably use an upgrade. 

- ha ha, great minds think a like. 

- cool, yeah its just a way to cover up the ambush would be good. Same thing with the one way platforms so you could escape. Well its up to you, its your game.

- oh and I forgot to say last time that there is a typo in the how to play "night" is spellt nifht. Just in case you missed it lol.  

Thanks man! Ha ha I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Ah great it all worked out in the end :) Yeah I use chrome too so I'll have to ask my developer. The world is full of strange things, the internet even more so. Thanks! :)

Ha ha there was a "panic" emotion but there were other things to worry about. I'm glad you liked though, totally a feature ;). Yeah I did think about different songs for different movie showings too. Overall there's lots we could do with the game. Thanks for playing and the feedback!

Alright that's weird...I'm the artist so I can only speculate atm.  I'm sorry that happened, are you using a different browser or Is there anything that might indicate why the issue would be happening to you? Not to blame you, we had out issues with getting the animation to work, there was even another attack animation but that was removed due to the complexity of animation code for the developer. I'll ask him and see what's up. I would love to update the game and fix these things, If we do I'll let you know, as the animations are a big part of the game. 

Well done! This is a great game, I really liked the background art. The audio was good too, made killing the shirts very satisfying.  Overall a well made game that I played longer then I thought I would. I like the upgrade system, didn't realize till after a couple of rounds, I forgot about it lol. 

My thoughts/feedback:

  • Make the interactive health/gramophone/liquid stand out more, like the player? It blended into the background and trying to find the correct interactive spot was a bit of a pain.
  • Make the platforms jump through underneath? The floaty jump I understand as it adds to the timer panic  but i think it could help the movement  be more smooth.
  • Add a night shift timer visual like the day shift, I did find the skip night button later but still. 
  • Have the rotation of the weapon be controlled by mouse?  Or the blast more wide spread as it was pretty horizontal. 
  • Add a jump sprite? As often didn't know If I had already made use of the double a jump.
  • Enemy/weapon variation type? Like a sock that flies really fast? or A towel that's slow and soaks a lot of damage.
  • Maybe a blast bath bomb, I ended up getting ambushed from all sides and died on night 7 So having a "clear all" trump card would have been nice.

All in all, good game I had fun.

Thank you :) We looked online for some werewolf puns and lucked out, so we can't take credit for it though.

Thanks!  yeah originally we thought of many different things, like levels as they would work with the idea of more dates ha ha. Nets or something similar would work well with the countdown system. 

The games animation states are buggy. The animation in the gifs are in the game,.Are you pressing f while in the were wolf state? The only human animation was walking left and right I didn't have enough time to animate everything. But either way I'm sorry that the attack didnt work for you however that happened.  Thankyou for commenting and testing our game. 

well the blood meter to the left is supposed to go down and when it reaches zero you lose. The aim is to get the player to go off and kill people and refill. We had many issues fixing bugs that balance was left behind. I’m sorry that you didn’t have fun. Thanks for playing and commenting.

Bearpark we should put back the light lol.

Thanks! Do you mean to make them stand out more? Like a brighter color or add detail?

Cute game, maybe make the up button to jump? Might help make platforming easier.

Thank you :), and also thanks for playing and commenting!

(1 edit)

Np, ha ha running out of time is expected with these gamejams.

Awesome, I wanted to play this ever since i saw the discord page flip. Nice game, very cute and clever puzzles making use of the flip mechanic. 

Short neat little game, maybe add more levels? The levels went very quickly due to the nice control design very smooth and fun to play.

I was refereeing to the images/slideshow you have at the beginning "Hey its me again" "I need you to clean the city". By like yours I meant your game "magnetic-wizard"

(1 edit)

Hello, yeah the game has its issues, especially with the game play balance between wolf and human.

Thanks for the feedback, do you mean like a introduction like yours to explain the situation? I agree it does just straight throw you in the middle. But we had to cut corners, and well I guess it showed. I'll take that advice into the next jams.

Well I wont deny the win screen human looks off XD  Thanks for playing and feedback!

Thank you, I’m glad you like the animation and the humour of it all. :)

kind of, when they get knocked but they should probably wait a second before they attack again. You could increase the Knock for distance so they get thrown back further and not hit the player so soon.

Well when the slimes attack the player they bounce off right? That's the knock back i meant. By aggressive I meant fast, as they get flung back quickly then attack back at the player. If that was slowed down some, you could bounce the slimes into the spikes on the walls and kill them with out bullets.

For barrier hitting, when the slimes attack they hit the side of the barrier that makes them bounce. The defending sides. If they hit you "x" meaning some number. Perhaps 5? they get destroyed/killed. So like they injure themselves when they hit the defense side.

Nice little game, but i felt the system was a little hard. Like maybe make the slimes knock back a less aggressive so i could guide the slime into the spikes better? Or maybe after hitting the barrier x times they destroy themselves.  I often got surrounded and killed by a bullet going through my defenses. Maybe make those bounce off? Idk, but the art and music was nice. I like the what you did with the theme.

Thank you for playing and giving good feed back, we aim to fix those sorts of bugs for the next update!

Cool game, stage 2 was when it started to get fun! I liked the different characters that gave you different powers. the laser and blink explosion was a fun variation from just shooting bullet. 

Hah ha thank you! Yes unfortunately we are aware of the games fault in its end goal. We hope to fix that in the near future. We appreciate you taking the time to play and also leaving behind your feedback.  

Thank you for playing! We understand that and are considering the navigation issue.  We appreciate your feedback. 

I look forward to it, i also understand the nature of time constraints. 

Well that was cute, I like the idea of using a hook to go to the other islands. Art style was nice and unique. It was fun , but I quickly grew confused as I went to (tried to) all the islands and nothing happened. I think some simple clean up could make this a sweet little game.

Problems and suggestions: 

Have the cowboy be able to jump? I couldn't make it to some islands due to height, I also kept sliding off the island when hit due to momentum it was frustrating, so maybe lock the character or let the player run in the opposite direction to save themselves.

  • Add a how to play screen?
  • Make the text/dialogue clicked based. I had to die to reread it lol.
  • Maybe add cursor/ cross hair for aiming. Don't have the rope charge up  same as the colour as the sky.
  • Lower the sensitivity of the mouse?
  • For ending/goal, have the player gather all the islands into one big island. Or talk to all cut-outs and when all done you learn how to return to earth?

Neat little game, I've seen a few like this where you control two characters. But limiting the direction for both was clever and made it more fun and understand. 

My suggestions, have the cube pickup better, bigger, and once on platform it stays.

Make the spikes more clear too, as the pink mixes with the purple bg. 

Took me a while till i figured it out, had to check the comments before i gave it another go.Very unique game, i would suggest making it easier in the beginning. I liked it when I discovered that  cube was fine when i removed the mouse, so juggling between that was fun.

I really like this game. It's short, fun, looks and feels nice. It's a clever simple little game that can be quite addictive. It's like space Tetris, I was having fun finding all the types of modules and its combination I didn't mind dying. Besides the enemies balance it's a perfect little gem.

My team thought of a similar idea initially, we changed to trains and carts. So it's really neat to see another take on the idea. Good job. 

Good art, fun to play, too short. The tutorial sets things up well but there's only one level that puts them all together. It's a nice chill game, animation and music was nice.