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A jam submission

Washed Out HotelView game page

You're a hostel janitor whose job consists of fighting those ghosts at night, and cleaning up those ghosts' remains!
Submitted by MrPouletBZH (@MrPouletBZH), TenthDalek (@VeillerobePrrck), tanguy-tanguy — 40 minutes, 51 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Each art asset was made during the jam.

Each audio asset was made during the jam.

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Well done! This is a great game, I really liked the background art. The audio was good too, made killing the shirts very satisfying.  Overall a well made game that I played longer then I thought I would. I like the upgrade system, didn't realize till after a couple of rounds, I forgot about it lol. 

My thoughts/feedback:

  • Make the interactive health/gramophone/liquid stand out more, like the player? It blended into the background and trying to find the correct interactive spot was a bit of a pain.
  • Make the platforms jump through underneath? The floaty jump I understand as it adds to the timer panic  but i think it could help the movement  be more smooth.
  • Add a night shift timer visual like the day shift, I did find the skip night button later but still. 
  • Have the rotation of the weapon be controlled by mouse?  Or the blast more wide spread as it was pretty horizontal. 
  • Add a jump sprite? As often didn't know If I had already made use of the double a jump.
  • Enemy/weapon variation type? Like a sock that flies really fast? or A towel that's slow and soaks a lot of damage.
  • Maybe a blast bath bomb, I ended up getting ambushed from all sides and died on night 7 So having a "clear all" trump card would have been nice.

All in all, good game I had fun.


Thanks a lot for the feedback, glad you liked our game :) 

To answer your thoughts: 

  - It was planed to make the interactive elements stand out more, we just didn't had the time to do so, but I do agree with you (there was a lot of things that we skipped so that we can submit something polished actually). Actually you should have an indicator with the Input  Y/E icon appearance but it's still is not enough I think

  - I didn't explore that idea too much but yeah, one way platforms could feel more accurate, we could definitely add that, I'll look into it. 

  - The night shouldn't have a timer, as you have to kill all the ghosts to end it, but we need to improve the end of the night when there is only a few ghost lefts so that it's not that annoying to just move arround to find the last one of them

  - We wanted to give the range weapon the same possibility the player have with the melee one (up and down attack), but we already had a lot of animations to do in a too short time (we spend a lot of time making the map background and finding a visual identity that feat well with the game's mood), and we didn't wanted to make attacks without a real visual feedback of the attack you made. I don't regret these decision but overall that makes the ranged weapon really too weak 

- the jump needs indeed to have more visual feedback, I totally agree 

- Same as before, differents enemy type were planed but you know, short amount of time :D That's funny you mentionned a sock as we do have a sketch of a sock ennemy btw!

- I think that is a great idea. Like some kind of ultimate ability that take time to reload or something like that, I will definitely keep this idea in mind if we keep working on the game post jam!


Np, it was good!

- I understand cutting things due to time no need to defend your game I'm offering some ideas :). Yeah the Y/E icon wasn't very clear and only showed up if you walk infront of the objects.

- Yeah it might be a bad idea, maybe change the gravity? Idk if it doesnt work no big deal.

- ah...maybe have a counter to show that the're ghost left? I just thought there was a timer due to having one in the other side. I'm sure it was all explained. Yeah I just  stayed in the middle waiting for them so the day time I wouldnt have to run to far XD.

- well it paid off right , the bg looks great! yeah well nothing is perfect in this ammount of time. But yeah the weapons could proably use an upgrade. 

- ha ha, great minds think a like. 

- cool, yeah its just a way to cover up the ambush would be good. Same thing with the one way platforms so you could escape. Well its up to you, its your game.

- oh and I forgot to say last time that there is a typo in the how to play "night" is spellt nifht. Just in case you missed it lol.  


I think that one way platform could be great honestly! And there is actually a ghost counter on the upper right of the UI during night :) 

And about the "nifht" hing, we saw that too, we corrected it before the jam but apparently it just didn't saved :D Happens, lol 

But honestly your feedback was of great value so thanks a lot for it!


good concept and great visual.

nice game.



Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

The art style is pretty unique, the gameplay itself was a little repetitive but the music was great! Surprised so much art and music got done in such short time. My only suggestion would be adding different enemies or combat, or maybe just upping the UI to match the aesthetic of the game. Other than those, its a solid looking game for the time restraints!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! 

It was planned to put different ennemies in the game, but we just didn't had the time, a,d I totally agree with the UI too, there is a lot to improve here, we didn't managed to have a lot of time to work on it

Glad that you liked our game :D


Nice audio! Nice Visuals, neat gameplay! Everything put together is a great game and an awesome entry! Congratulations!


Thanks a lot :D


Oh my goodness, the art and sound in this game are AMAZING! Really beautiful work!
The gameplay is also super fun - I definitely preferred the melee attack strategy, but the whole experience was really seamlessly put together! Awesome job!


Thanks a lot :D 

I think that the ranged attack is a bit too weak compared to the melee one, so I kind of understand your feeling about it yeah. Really glad that you liked our game :D


Cool and original twist on the theme!
Generally very well made. I just had one annoying issue (not game-breaking, but a bit cumbersome) where I could not jump high enough to go back to the gramophone after returning the clothes to the washing machine.


That's odd, like you weren't able to double jump anymore? I'll look into it

Thanks for the feedback :)

Submitted (1 edit)

ok wierd.. i restarted it and it appears to work now.. not sure what went wrong..
might have been my bad then ^^'


Maybe you had a bug where the ground check bugged, I thought it was fixed but I had it very rarely. In general, just going to the platform bellow (or in last ressort restarting the day) would resolve the issue. I guess it was just unlucky to be honest x)


A very well made and polished game!  Absolutely love the art, the combat is interesting with the directional attacks, the BGM is amazing and the SFX is very satisfying and added a lot to the game.  

As for feedback:

- I find that ammo and health not being able to be replenished unless upgraded is quite harsh

- Upgrading the capacity of clothes carried during the day instead of upgrading the timer may be a better alternative as constantly walking back and forth kinda gets a bit annoying especially in the later levels.  (Or maybe that's just how a janitor's job is XD)

- a little pause after the last ghost is defeated would be nice

But all in all, a very fun game, great job!


You can replenish health and ammo during the day! For the health you have a coffee machine at the upper left and for the ammo you have a storage room at the upper right!
About the clothes capacity, it was planned but didn't get time to add it, but I totally agree with you that there should be this option too. 
For the pause after the last ghost, I also agree with you, the transition could feel better with a bit more time

Thanks a lot for all the feedback and for taking time to play it :D


Great job on the audio, and art. I love the effort put into make the game's settings editable, and make the game easier to understand.


Thanks a lot :D