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Definitely a great jam entry! I may have enjoyed this more than most of the others that I've played so far, simply because it's a genre I happen to like a lot. Love the twist you've given to Ariadne's story!

While I couldn't specifically find anything on her actively making wine, I think it's a fair twist to put on the myths involved. I loved the storytelling, and very much sympathized with her!
I was surprised at how polished the mechanics were, as I feel like this could essentially be a solid MVP for a game. Talking, foraging, planting and harvesting, moving between scenes, and music transitions all worked! 

While the portraits of the characters were great and even had different expressions, I found the game art was the game's weakest point. Instead of using the spray paint brushes, I'd suggest sticking to minimalism when not super confident with creating sprites. I felt that the choice of SFX could have been better, and that the music transitions felt a tad too abrupt. The tone of the music was nice at first, but the more I heard it, the more forceful (?) it felt. 

I had to stop on top of the seashells in order to pick them up, and couldn't pick them up as I walked over them, which is interesting. I like how you sped up the growth rate of the grapes so that players testing the game wouldn't have to play for days to find out what was going to  happen next. 

I didn't try every combination with the wine-making or items sent by diary, but found that the only way to get out of the cooking menu is to get the "Failure" with "nothing else". Only "Apples" told me "when I didn't have any", while the others just triggered some SFX. 

I found that being able to make mushroom wine was funny. I'd be fascinated to know if you had thought about historical accuracy here. The wine pairing idea is a good touch. I would have liked to know "how long" fermentation takes, so a timer would have been nice, but otherwise, I just loved how functional it all was.

Thank you for making such a great jam entry! Games with controller support is always welcome!