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Looks good, seems good, feels good, is good? Yyes!

Has some tomb raider vibes, if it had mouse controls, very interesting. Mad respect to the day and night cycle with NPCs going to sleep and all. It seems you're trying to build a really solid base, and I believe you have one. So, here are my suggestions:

  • Clouds/sky rotate too fast (might be intentional because of the fast day cycle, in this case try to mention it somewhere).
  • Hitboxes and enemy attacks feel broken? Work on them. I actually liked the attack and block system, even if the enemy attack animations need to be much more exaggerated.
  • I think you could mash all the menus (except system pause) into one, for much easier accessibility.
  • Needs a pickup prompt when near items or corpses with loot. 
  • Careful with the pixel depth of textures.
  • Left-click to select/inspect/move items in the inventory, and right-click to use/equip them, please.
  • Try to find a more retro looking shader for the light.

Never give up! You can make it!


Thank you for the response.

The combat is quite messy atm, you are correct, sometimes hitboxes get broken, and enemies don't give a very good feedback on whats happening.

I marked all these down for implementation, thank you again.