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(2 edits)

Day 8 - making the music

for the past few days, I have been working on the music part of the game so that it wasn't just pure silent during gameplay lol 

(which is the reason why I haven't posted anything recently.)

for the time I had, I have only been able to make 2 songs, 1 for the title screen, and one for the one level I've worked on.

Since I am not a master at writing melodies, I'm pretty proud on the end product and how it turned out, maybe not so much on the level 1 song, but this has been my first time working on original music, so I know I'll get better in the future. 

Level 1 theme:

Title Screen Theme:

P.S: If anyone is struggling with making music for their games, then use this website to help fill out your song: 
This site helped me out a lot when it came to giving the songs more variety :)