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NOTE: This comment contains a lot of spoilers. As in, a lot. Be aware.

This text adventure is super cool. I like how you just have to keep marching on forwards, regardless of what happens. You can never afford to linger in one place for too long. You just have to keep walking on and on, hoping to find something good. I felt like I was actually in the apocalypse. 

What I don't like is that a lot of runs felt like they could play out in roughly the same way. While it was surprising the first time, every time I read that passage about the manic hunters in the truck, I lost engagement rather quickly. No matter how many rations or health points I had, and even when I had another person accompanying me, the run would end there. What makes this worse is that it happened to me at the end of a vast majority of my runs. As weird as this may sound, I would have been down for a larger variety of ways to kick the bucket. 

When I did see something more out of the ordinary, though, it was always an interesting thing that grabbed my attention and made me pause to think. Things like the cannibal in the forest, the mysterious lady with a sword in the mountains, the vicious dog, questions of whether or not I'd find rations... all of those different possibilities, mixed with the looming question of what they'd mean were great. I also have to shout out that creepy as hell ambience in the background. Talk about fantastic mood setting. 

Good work overall!

P.S. "Meat has a short shelf life out here" is a wonderfully grim, gross, and odd line that I love to death.

(1 edit)

NOTE: Also spoilers. Lots of them.

Super useful feedback! It sounds like you were an unfortunate victim of probability. There's actually close to a 50% chance of escaping the hunters in the truck if you run, and additional variations when you have a companion. Also if you manage to get a loaded pistol before running into them, things turn out very differently. With more time though, I would have loved to tweak the probabilities a bit, add a bunch of extra variables, and even find a way to make repeated events less likely when you hit a replay button. Definitely a concept I'd like to revisit.


Huh, so I was just having some very bad luck, then. That's good to know; thank you. I was definitely having issues with repeat results when testing my game as well; random number generators sometimes don't feel as random as they're supposed to... 

I definitely do think that finding a way to make repeated results less likely would be a great system to implement in the future, though I have no idea how you would go about implementing that. If you do expand on this concept, I'll be happy to take a look once again! Until then... I have to go up North and see if I can find some more stuff.