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You have a compelling story here. The way you describe what is happening is solid enough for a player to visualize the scene. The music is also really good for the setting.
However, what appears to be a randomness in some events, don't stick too well. For example, losing the game on the first day because the truck decided to appear there, and the following gameplay, I did the exact same thing and it did not happen. Or the lady, which appears more than one time even if I "avoid" her. I think that each event should only happen once during gameplay.
Another thing I would change is that some days you literally do nothing. It's " sleep, wake up, head north, sleep", with no events at all. I believe that if every day had meaningful events, the game would benefit from it.

But overall, it is a solid and a good game. Very interesting!

Thanks for the review! There are a couple of problems you mentioned that I'm aware of and would have liked to fix if I had time. 

You made an interesting comment though about the fact that making the same decision could lead to a different outcome, and that you didn't enjoy that aspect of the game. I guess you could call this a "powerlessness fantasy", in the sense that your fate is mostly outside your control. I think that fits the theme of the game pretty well, but perhaps it should be more of a 50/50 split where you can make stronger or weaker tactical decisions but there's still a chance of failure. 

Additionally, it might be more satisfying if the player could actually see the chance of success next to the option they choose. You've given me a lot to think about! 🙂