Oh boy, bug report 2.0. In the last 2 days I found a whole lot more bugs and things I'm sure shouldn't be happening. I'm still using the same version My Little BlackSmith Shop Win64 Alpha-v0.0.9e.
1. When the customers ask for shields and (lets say you use an uncommon log to make the wood part dark) after you give them the created shield, the wood becomes the common log colour and the shield type changes to a Coal like dark (which is probably Titanium); that includes the rim, boss, wrist and handle being that colour, however the weapon as far as I know stays the same as what you give them.
2. You can put a corner or a crate inside another crate, which then you can close the crate and the other crate will be locked in place, which means you can hold 2 crates full of ores or other things at the same time (Attached Image).
3. Your arm has the same texture as the bricks do...why and how (Attached Image).
4. Ore Veins have a chance to drop you 1 ore, please make them drop at least 3. This doesn't feel good (Attached Image).
5. The blur issue people have been having occurs when you're inside something your not supposed to be in, like a wall that's not completely solid for example. This blur only occurs if your Post Processing option in the Graphics Menu isn't turned to Low, if it's anything but low, you will get the blur effect. I've seen people talk about how they go under trees and they also get the blur, it's because under some of the trees is considered a spot you're not supposed to be (I've taken the spot that Grimalkin used in his video for this test) (Attached Images).
6. When rotating a crate, the rotation point is the centre bottom, so when you try to turn it upside down on level ground it will rotate into the ground. For this all you have to do is lift the centre rotation point to the centre of the crate.
7. When creating large amounts of alloys at once in the furnace, the furnace doesn't properly register that all of them are being created as alloys. I found this out when I had 5 Copper ore and 5 Tin ore and I put them in all at once, and in return I got: 4 Bronze ingots (Supposed to get 10), 4 Copper ingots, and no Tin ingots (Supposed to get neither of those two). It appears that when it made the Copper ingots, there was no Bronze being made for those ones, so Tin ingots should've come out too. But the indicator, or the molten metal rising in the ingot shaper, went to full (which I assume was the Tin ingots being made) but then went back down to nothing and continued to do so for the next 3-4 ingots without producing anything. So in summary, putting in bulk amounts of the 2 ores to make alloys doesn't work properly and screws up the processing system. (Note: I was only making alloys, I DID NOT have anything else in there at the same time that was creating something else).
8. (This has already been said multiple times, but for clarification) Having any solid objects being put underneath the player character and following to grab it makes you ascend into the air.
9. (This has also been said before, but from my point of view) I had a moment where a customer came in and as soon as he was about to order, he disappeared but the cross was still there, but un-clickable. To get out of this, you can either reload or go into sandbox mode and back. Considering the fact that I'm on day 67 (I think) and this was the first time it happened WHEN I decided to put an axe and two shields perhaps a little too close to the selling bench, I also had a delivery crate near it too but it may have not contributed to this issue, this is not coincidental.
10. The lighting of the entrance to the cave is odd at a certain time of day. When slightly outside the lighting was fine, but when I moved slightly inside the mine, the lighting went really dark. I even went back outside to test if it didn't suddenly turn night, and it lit back up as normal, proceeding to go back in made it look like night again (Attached Images; use the crate as a reference for distance).
11. The Steel Alloy Ingots have the same coloured name as the Adamantine Ingots, implying that they are both Legendary items, but when creating a Steel Pickaxe it had the same properties as an uncommon tool, because it couldn't mine anything epic or higher, only common and uncommon ore veins (I don't know if this has something to do with the type of Hammer you're using, as you can see I'm still using the Copper Hammer 'cause I haven't bothered upgrading). Maybe change the colour shown for steel to match their correct properties, or make steel have the same properties as adamantine (I'm using the colour of the name to match the rarity, which in turn makes me think which ones they should be able to mine).
12. Trees also have a chance to drop no logs. Either that or when the tree gets cut and falls through the stump, and doesn't fall over, destroying it like that may make a log spawn inside the stump making it impossible to grab.
13. When on the roof, you can look at the back of the chimney, which isn't there because it's a one-sided view, so from one side you can see it, but from the other side you can't.
14. I think dynamic objects launch too far than what they should, like when I have items inside a crate and I don't have the lid on and accidently grab the crate, which in turn makes the items launch all over the place, furthest record launch has been about 25 metres so I have to go and find them wherever they go.
15. Instead of falling through the bottom of the map when going in the green (acid I presume) stuff in the mine, how about making it so when you go about half way down into the surface of the green liquid, then you die and re-spawn at the church instead of being able to see under the world for a short moment.
16. You can pick up dynamic objects further than your zoom length, so if you grab something further than it limit and scroll once, up or down, it'll snap back to it's proper position.
17. There is barely any force behind throwing most things, the only thing that I've found that actually throws with probably a little bit too much force is the ores.
18. When fuel has depleted in the furnace, you put more in there and you have to turn it back on, but it usually takes two presses for it to turn back on.
19. I assume trees are supposed to regenerate, hence the percentage on the stumps after you cut them down, but they don't (It may not even be a feature yet but just checking).
20. The very back of the mine/vault, there is a little ledge that you can't get up onto (as intended), but by using the crate as a lift to get on top of the ledge, you can see massive holes in the side of the walls (Again, not supposed to be able to see the holes without getting on the ledge).
21. Rarely when opening chests, instead of the item spawning in there as usual, they fling out high into the air usually taking about 3 seconds to come back down. This may be a spawning issue having to do with collision with either the other item in the chest or the chest itself.
That was just a whole bunch more bugs and issues I found since the last post, a lot of the last ones were tiny but can still be annoying in some degree. There's probably a lot more that I would have to go digging for through pure experimentation and not 90% of it being from me just playing the game.