see this is why I made my own thread when I had a similarly large list ready to go... it becomes a bit more of a hassle to deal with when its here.
The first thing i can remember from what I read.
That's not how metal works.
"rarity" means nothing, really.
Coal is mineable
copper mines copper
Tin mines copper and tin
Bronze mines copper and tin
Brass mines Zinc Copper and tin
Iron mines Iron Zinc, Copper and tin
Steel mines Iron zinc Copper and Tin
Adelite mines Adelite Iron zinc copper and tin
Mithril mines Mithril, Adelite, Iron Zinc Copper and Tin
Adamantine Mines Ada, Mith, Ade, Iron, Zinc, Cop, and Tin
Titanium Mines. (There's a possibility, a slim one, That brass might be able to mine Iron. Unlikely. But I haven't tried yet.)
Putting a crate into a crate ain't exactly a bug
Shield "Visual" in Customer hands isn't "exactly a bug" either, All that really is is simplication, Probably mostly because They didn't ask for a specific shield, They just wanted a sheield - You could give them a Copper Polearm and a Titanium shield for all they care. (on a copper polearm request) - Which is why it probably does that, in both ways. Because they didn't ask for a type of shield, they'll accept any type of shield
and because they'll accept any type of shield, it turns all those shields into a generic placeholder kinda shield, reflecting the type of shield (Round, Tower, Heater) because /THAT/ part /was/ defined.
3 and 4 aren't really bugs, also rarer veins have a chance of dropping absolutely no ore, between the vein being rarer, and the chance of ore being lower generally for rarer ore.
The Blur isn't exactly a bug either, though it may be over...reaching its boundaries. - It's part of view depth, Though View depth of field should prevent it from working if turned off, and I don't think it does, so that may technically be a bug. But it's supposed to blur, When things are very in front of your face, You're supposed to focus on them, causing distant things to become unfocused, When something squishes up into your eyes, your vision in game, will blur, It just happens to be there's a lot of places, should and shouldn't be at, where it blues very heavily.
Screen resolution scale can also affect it.
Not sure if 6 is a bug, sounds like you're just talking about rotation and how it's currently supposed to work, and don't necessarily agree with that.
7 isn't necessary a bug either, It's just not designed to function the way you did it, either, Though I can't swear it isn't desired for it to eventually function that way.
To make an Alloy, You need to make the alloy, You can't stick a bunch of one thing in at any one time, Cause then you're just making that one thing.
So you *should* putting for example
One Tin, One copper = 2 bronze. - One Tin, One copper= 2 bronze, one tin, one copper = 2 bronze.
you /can/ mass queue up the production, and get it to churn out all 10 (about 7 or so by the time you've inserted it all though)
AFAIK you can also "intersect" it with other materials, You just /have/ to properly fill it.
so something like One tin, One copper (properly accepted), One Adelite, One Iron, One Carbon (Properly accepted) (DO NOT JUST drop a bunch of them in, nor just drop them in even in order) one mithril -> 2 bronze, one adelite, 2 steel, one mithril.
Repeat. DO NOT just toss them in. Don't toss in tin and let go, and then toss in Copper, letting go immediately after, without it being "accepted" and then go to toss in another tin or another thing
You need to Insert a core (one of the main materials, that isn't Zinc or Carbon)
It will react, then you need to insert the other ingredient, keep trying to insert it until it actually disappears from your hand while you're holding it, When it disappears, that's when the smelter has accepted it as part of the alloy, Then you can put in another Tin, or Copper, or Iron, and repeat, waiting for the 2nd ingredient to be accepted.
18- It takes two pressures usually because it wasn't shut off, Much like a circuit breaker when you go to reset it, You're supposed to take it from "Not on but not off" to "Fully off" and then "Back on" (at least that's what I've always been told)
The tree thing has been mentioned, It's mostly because of them spawning in the log/world (or lack of spawning because the stump/world physics were where it was going to spawn) - If you use a "solid object that you can lift yourself with" you can easily push the tree down and cut it, allowing more consistent results for logs, The tree not falling is the real bug, previously almost all the time they did, but something changed which ended up causing them not to fall over, will likely be fixed next time, but no guarantees
The chest - The reason is because the spawn location is designed for two ingots
but the spawn pool is designed with the option of a handle. or ingots
A handle is slightly.. bigger, than an ingot, causing the top ingot to spawn in the handle, and more often than not, be flung into the air as it tries to resist the edge of the handle... I believe this is known and/or addressed, I think i've mentioned it along with "nothing sadder than watching (insert ingot) swimmin with the fishes" (or something like that)