Hey, thanks for playing our game and for your video feedback. We appreciate it.
You are actually the perfect target audience for the game. Heinrich's idea was to really lean into the concept of no-one listening to tutorials, so having you and your self-proclaimed lack of patience was perfect:) We know the mechanics were simple (and boring), but the goal was to make the player see the clear objective and just go for it rather than wait for the 'proper instructions'. (Your reaction to my Do Not Press sign was perfect). This, of course, would be improved upon in an actual game rather than our smaller time scope. We definitely appreciate all of your comments, and hopefully you'll check out any future work we do!
P.s.- Our first game jam game (Caravan! for the Movie game jam) was 100% mechanics driven, so feel free to check it out if you'd like. We are just using these jams as a way to really dive into specific concepts in a short time. Make sure to hold 'STA' + enter to start the game from the tutorial screen, if you end up trying it out and get stuck there. Thanks again!