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You got a really good eery feeling going right from the start. I had a little jump scare when the music suddenly started and I thought a cut scene was triggered, but then nothing happened. I like the music though, I wished it would have looped. The janky controls and camera movement kind of support that feeling of literally not being in control of what's going on, but I still would prefer it if they were normal. ;) The lighting worked well, the only comment I'd have about your level design is that I didn't even notice that I took a right to the gas station and the house with the baby crib and was running in circles there. If I hadn't read on your page that there was actually someone to find I wouldn't have turned back. All in al it's a great accomplishment for your first jam!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your feedback! Haha, I didn't think there were jump scares in the game. Initially I had the music looping and playing right from the start, but then i figured out how to trigger this static camera shot and thought why not let the music start from there, too. I want to work more on the overall sound and camera design. I had no time for footsteps, am not really happy with the middle jingly part of the music and hoped to be able to fade it out before, and would have liked to trigger some other sound loops somewhere in the game where it makes sense. I'm a little on the fence with the controls and camera, part of me likes that it's a bit out of control. My aim was a Silent Hill 2 camera, where James is off-center and you can trigger a wider shot but James might take a while to get back into the picture and "catch-up" to what the camera is doing. I also want to put more tilted angle static or tracking shots into it. One thing I have in mind particularly is a wide overhead shot when getting to the crossroads, so you can see there are multiple directions/paths from there, but I just ran out of time in the end and was happy that nothing really breaks the game. I'll keep working on it and keep you updated!