There were a few issues with the game:
- At first I could not move the bubbe around, after reloading the game a few times it work. Sometimes Unity WEBGL can be like that.
- Picking up objects worked great and appeared visually nice in the bubble.
- I noticed hitting the floor, walls or ceiling cause the bubble to return to the starting position, maybe it could be nice to visually show that this is danger and could be avoided with spikes, this tells the player, oh thats danger.
- I had a lot or Errors which stopped my progress, this seems to be when there is an error in the game, such a missing elements being called that cant be found. I restarted the game several times despite this trying lots of different things.
Overall, this looks like a first attempt at creating something & learning new things. You did great and with a few things changed this would stand up much better in terms of playability. Keep up the great work and dont get discouraged :)