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Completed the game (only didn't collect last crown since I didn't know next room was the final one) so time for rating. Gameplay wise, it's pretty good - movement is really smooth and mechanics are interesting to meddle with, no mentioning that it has proper tutorial that quickly introduces to the game. They are also some interesting glitches that I don't think you necessary were aware of, but made this game pretty interesting - for example, you can use stopping time to extend your rewind time ability, which I think could be nice as an actual mechanic (plus it sometimes extend time so much that some platforms leave the room entirely, like in the image under the text). Respects for using GameMaker: Studio 2 for this project.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing! I actually knew about that glitch, I thought of it as a feature cuz I used it a lot. lol I see now why a lot of people found some levels difficult, they probably didn't find out about that glitch. My bad. And, yeah, I realized that bug later,  I should have put an invisible wall for the platform to not leave the room.

Thanks for the feedback! :)