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Hello, friend! 

Your game is awsome! You realy make a great level design and a good variety of enemies with a nice and different AI. The game looks like the NES Metroid in your purpose. But the graphics and audio are uniques and beauty. 

Unfortunately, the game crashes in one part and I can't continue at this part. When the player falls in one scenario with a power up at top right of the screen, in the botton of the scenario, the game's crash. I think at this part, has a statue or a boss at left of the ground, but i can't see good because the crash screens in front of it. 

Anyway, congrats fo the great work! I realy enjoy your game. s2


Interesting I'll give it a look when I get home and see if Mancer will let me fix it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it though!


Alright that was a quick fix.

The escape sequence "watcher" was being too aggressive with it's removal of a room's existing lighting.

Should be fixed now if you want to give it another spin, just grab the Bugfix 1 version!