Great game! The "gladiator ring" style was super charming, the sprite work was excellent, I didn't encounter any bugs, and the music was amazing. However, as someone elso also mentioned, the game seriously lacks feedback. Sound effects are super important when it comes to making a game fun. Every click on the UI, every enemy killed, every sword swung has to have a sound in order to immerse the player. You could give a player a "mighty destroyer of worlds" gun which kills everything in one hit, but without the proper sound effect, even that would feel weak. Screen shake is also a great tool to achieve a similar effect. Also, some leeway on the bow would've gone a long way in order to make the bow fighting the best it can be, but it was fun when I started getting used to it. I died at the final boss once but it was really well-designed and it was fun. The ending was cute as well.
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