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So Metroid and so good.

I love the sense of exploration. You've created a big open world that encourages the player to explore by hiding power-ups throughout and with a fun and responsive combat system- the over-charge mechanic is a nice touch to stop you spamming your weapon. The power-ups were great and I loved sliding down that huge ramp right after the bug boss fight- it was just straight fun.

Visually, everything looks excellent, the character animation, enemy design, tile sets, items are all great, but the use of colour I think is what I enjoyed the most. It's something the original Metroid did wonderfully and you've done a great job at recreating.

Congrats on the job! But a shame it didn't come 10 days later haha. I hope you keep working on this project, because this is an excellent start and I'd love to see you turn it into a full game.

Solid work dude, keep it up!