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A member registered Sep 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Congrats on completing your first jam! I found it a little tough, but I thought the idea was really clever. Keep up the good work :)

Cool concept with nice execution and a clean art style. I just wish there were a few more levels :)

I had a lot of fun playing this one :D it was great seeing how big the planets could get

Man those eyes <_> these crocs are eerily realistic! Gotta say I really like the graphics, and the idea is great too! Nice work :)

A nice idea with some really impressive graphical effects! I have to admit a struggled just a little with the controls however.

Pretty cool and ambitious to have 2 different perspectives tbh! I love the arms when the guy is running :') Nice work!

The concept alone is hilarious :') My sincerest apologies to those who paid extra for platinum parking! I thought it was a really fun idea and well executed

Fun if not a little difficult! It actually kinda reminds me of Blast Corps for the N64- a game that I absolutely suck at, so maybe the difficulty is actually fine (:

Really awesome!! I love the graphics and I think the difficulty curve is perfect! One of the best in this jam for sure

I think it may just be that the SharedArrayBuffer setting needs to be enabled on the Itch page. PSA to Godot 4 users :')

The guy with green skin and red hair reminds me of Ganondorf lol... the game was super fun! I thought the controls were well balanced, not too easy, but not frustrating either. The music goes kinda hard ._. really enjoyed it though!

The music, graphics and idea were all awesome! The gameplay however... was also awesome!

Really cool and chill puzzle game! Definitely my kinda game :)

(1 edit)

I've noticed a lot of issues with HTML exports since switching to Godot 4. Just out of curiosity, does my submission load for you? I had to monkey with some settings to get Itch to load my game at all, so I'm wondering if those setting changes will resolve this issue too.

Never had to do this with Godot 3.

I wish I could make something as well presented as this! I love your graphics and interpretation of the theme!! I always go over the 3 hour limit too :)

My favourite interpretation of the theme so far :) the graphics are brill too!

Awesome!! and very tough! I could only manage 11 seconds, but it was a blast!

Really impressed with the graphics and presentation! It took me quite a number of attempts to figure out who the terrorists are, but eventually I realised it was just the people with weapons (duh!). Super cool!

Super fun!! although I was hoping to become as big as the arena by the end :') I got to about 12,000 and the music was absolute madness, but I loved it

The warning sign aesthetic is simply awesome- I love it. The almost parkour style gameplay and the high energy soundtrack make this a really cool game to play. Great work :)

Awesome idea and really well polished for 3 hours. I love the strategy component- it's really interesting trying to plan ahead and figure out how to survive the longest. Really cool!

Such a fun and quirky idea and executed really well! The graphics are awesome- they kind of remind me of Big Brain Academy for the DS. Super cute and super fun! My only (minor) criticism is that crushing the boxes was kinda difficult for me. Maybe it could require a little less speed? In any case, definitely my favourite of the jam :)

This is a really outside-the-box use of the theme, which I super appreciate, and a fun game to "boot" (sorry for the pun). Nice work :)

It's a cool idea, I just wish I didn't have such awful memory haha. I did manage to beat it in the end though, so you didn't make it too difficult :) Having those free checks on a few tiles was a big help too. Nice work overall!

Super cute game, but a little on the easy side, in my opinion. Also, I think the tree stumps should probably be bigger, because I thought they were part of the background at first. Honestly I think it's a solid effort for your second game. Hopefully you keep going :)

An absolutely adorable game, but that last level is brutally difficult! I finally managed to beat it- the end-screen says it took me 4 attempts, but in reality it was more like 40 haha!

This is a super cool game. The concept itself is quite simple, but the level design is what makes it work. There's a good level of challenge and the levels are fun to figure out and beat. I managed to beat it (not getting all stars though) although it took me over 50 deaths haha! I'd say this game has potential to be a full release in the future, so keep up the good work!

Cool little memory game! It took me 144 steps to complete, but my memory is atrocious, so that figures haha! The graphics are really clean dude.

Amazing death sound effect man haha!

I think it's a neat idea to have to make your way through a level while looking both in front and behind you- good use of the theme. I have to say though, that I keep getting a game over and I don't really know why. I'm not hitting anything and the hunter is not near me, so I'm a little confused. Solid game though overall.

This is an awesome concept and tons of fun to play around with. Is there a goal to this game or is it more of a sandbox kind deal?

This is a really interesting use of the theme, and I had fun figuring it out as I played. Adding the ability to customise the level is a nice touch too.

Really awesome, man. Super addicting gameplay, good level of challenge, nice visuals and SFX. It's the complete package! I managed to get to tower 4, but I think I can probably go a bit further.

The first time I played I was like "what do you do?" then a cat killed me in 0.1 seconds and I understood immediately haha! I managed a 46, but it gets pretty tough. I'll keep trying for a 50 :) It's a fun game dude!

Thank you so much for the kind words!

This is such a well done game for 3 hours. I liked the almost Metroid style twist ending too haha! Nicely done!

This is really cool man, I enjoyed wandering around the apartment and finding clues to crack the password. The game also receives bonus points for having a copy of The Room on DVD (the greatest film ever made). One issue I noticed is that when you enter the password screen, you can't exit (the x seems to softlock), which makes it a lot harder to solve since you only get one chance to get information. That aside though, I really enjoyed it. Good job :)

Oh I see! That makes perfect sense, my bad.

This is actually much more fast-paced than I was ready for, haha! I'd love to see some more levels man.

I love the squish effect when you jump haha! The particles are nicely done too :)