Version 0.985
New Stuff:
- Added some tips displayed while the game is initializing for a second time or beyond during a play session
- For testing purposes, you can enable an FPS counter in the config file. Not sure if it really works though. (?)
- Time required to complete hacking/recon objectives is lower now and scales with zone count instead of difficulty lvl
- Player EMP weapon shot speed increased - Enemy scatter turrets have less shot lifetime and higher shot speed now
- Enemy VOTL crafts maneuver more economically now
- VOTL and drone enemies avoid props more economically now
- Smoke emitters from destroyed/crashed hostiles have variable capacity now
- Flak Ammo no longer affect weapons with really low base damage
- Heavy gunship health reduced
- Enemy drone spawns are more limited in zone 3, but scale up in zone 4 and endless mode
- Optimized the way husk graphics are loaded (should eliminate lag spikes on destroying common enemies like gunships)
- Cloud repositioning is handled more economically now
- SRM Bomb active now gives you way more bang for your buck
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Orbital Support: Laser Show not firing correctly
- Fixed an error causing Firestormer active to fire zero shots
- Fixed Drone Egg active not displaying its icon
- Fixed shield plate orbitals not detecting collisions correctly
- Fixed Smart Flechette using the wrong casing
- Fixed Smart Flechette shots not turning towards targets correctly
- Fixed bad positioning on a couple of unlock icon
- Fixed some unlocks triggering by simply selecting various ships on the title screen
- Fixed likelihood of encountering some bosses being affected by zone probability of zones that haven't been unlocked yet
- Fixed space tether defense sliders playing fire sound for every heavy turret that's firing (?)
- Fixed space tether boss spaming you with messages upon death
- Fixed super AWACS spawning on collision course with ground props
- Fixed final boss hp bar not being removed before entering credits for the first time
- Fixed switching weapons mid-burst breaking offense state alltogether (?)
- Fixed "allround ace" elites using the wrong starting color - Fixed some errors in the credits
- Fixed title message lying about the discord hotkey
- Fixed some particles not being preloaded correctly
- Fixed elites not reverting to their elite color after debuffs/dots wear off
- Fixed radiation damage float text using the wrong shade of green