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A member registered Mar 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked the amount of content.

If this is the quest "Experienced Escort" there is actually a secret way to avoid the boss fight. You can hear the other bandits talk about how the boss is scared of lightning, and using your lightning spell on the cross will make him faint on the spot. XD

Glad I could inspire you to seek out more games. RPG Maker games are relatively easy to make, so you get more sub-par entries, however there are still plenty of well-made adventures to find out there.

That's accessible to you only if you become a noble. To do that, there is a specific quest you must complete in chapter 2 (The Prodigal Son) and then you must take part in the selection process.

Check out the walkthrough linked in the game's folder, you should be able to get all the details you need.

I see. I didn't know about that. Hopefully approves the increase and I can go back to uploading the game directly on their server, so this feature also works.

(1 edit)

Do you mean that you can't download the game? Since this uses external links (my game is too big now to be uploaded directly on itch, unless they approve the increase), maybe that's the problem? Have you tried using the browser to download the game?

Edit: the links from the main page seem to work, at least.

1) Unless something is directly related to the missable quests, you are good.

2) I never put the actual code for that choice. I have been thinking if it's worth the effort, and so I have neither removed the option or worked on it. While I think it would be cool, I wonder if people would just want sex scenes (and so, the art that goes with them), and it might be a little too much at this point. I guess I could take it one at a time, and mix in some non-sexy scenes depending on who's the father.

No problem, have fun with the game. ^_^

If you need a temporary boost, you can buy an item in the Bazaar (only during the day) called "Mindblossom" which gives you +10 for the time slot you use it in, but also a permanent -2 when the effect runs out. Otherwise, you can slowly raise it by studying at libraries or by cheating with the debug tools.

You must go through the first Shapeshifter temple to unlock the transformation (there is a statue at the end), then it's available from the skills menu (on the map, the shortcut is the "W" key). Note that you can't just transform anywhere, usually you'll use it to enter small passages.

I just tried the magic circle, and it works fine for me. Could you perhaps send me your save file?

I am thinking about it, but I am not sure. if it does get there, it will be distributed for free.

Glad you enjoyed it!

In theory, we should be in the final months, but I keep being wrong about it as I find more stuff to add. XD

The cowgirl content should be finished at this point. I don't think we'll get more of that, unless I end up working on some "DLC" content a few years down the line. I am already preparing for the next game, but I can't really focus on it until Caliross is finished.

Always nice to hear people like Caliross! ^_^

There is a cheat in the travel sphere to unlock all images (although I need to update it), but I honestly hadn't considered an in-game method to unlock 100% of the gallery when I started working on the game (or even later when I introduced the gallery).

I am not sure how I would go about changing that now. If there is a game-over screen, unlocks are "forgotten" by the game, since the info is stored in the save files. I often have a "go back" button for bad ends, but that's not enough since there are other limitations, like some of the paths being mutually exclusive, for example.

Glad you are enjoying it!

I should update the walkthrough this month, although I am not sure if I'll manage to bring it to parity with the game.

Glad you like it! ^_^

1. I didn't make all dates advance time. It was probably a mistake, since it creates inconsistencies, but I also didn't want to make experiencing the content annoying by setting tight limits everyday.

2. Find the folder "My project" inside the game's folder, make a backup copy of it just in case, then delete it, and see if this helps. I use a script to save settings outside of save files, but I noticed it's a bit buggy at times, and I think this is one of the side-effects.

Thanks for playing the game!

Ha-ha, no problem. I found my way here eventually, as you said. Already bought the game, in fact. Anyway, congratulations again on the release.
Are there plans to include the manual and the quick guide with the release? It's probably not a big deal, since you can download them from Steam even without buying the game, but it might be easy to miss out on them if they don't know about the Steam page.

Hi there! Just leaving a post here because you replied to me on the old demo page, but since that's no longer accessible, I also can't see what you wrote, and I wouldn't want to appear rude in case there was a question or something like that.

Anyway, congratulations on the release! ^_^

The first TOTDC was made using pictures from the internet, so it remains a bit of a "clandestine" game. You can find links to it in my blog:

There are also links to my older games. Note that there are HTML conversions of the games, so if you don't have or can't run RAGS, you can still play the games with a browser (just remember to use right-click when interacting with something to see the available actions).

I see what you mean. No promises about journal entries (there are a lot of important NPCs at this point), but I'll think about it.

Ha-ha-ha, it was pretty long for sure. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and have fun with the game!

Ooops! I don't know how I missed it.

TOTDC stands for Tales of the Drunken Cowboy. It's the game I made before Caliross. It used an engine for text adventures (RAGS), but it's not that far from Caliross conceptually. It's kind of an adventure/RPG hybrid, you have turn based combats, all sorts of puzzles, some traits that affect your choices (although in TOTDC I didn't really have "sexy" traits, and you picked 3 out of 5 at the start of the game) and so on. It's a sci-fi game (The Drunken Cowboy is the name of the spaceship) and you go around with an all-female crew, with mind-control as the main fetish.

New lore about the spider lady is hard to include in the libraries, since you already have to research her species and they are a bit of a mystery in the world of Caliross. I could certainly add more about the pantheon. As for individuals, do you just mean Erica should write something in her journal after meeting important figures, or is it for love interests?

I'll look into blocking the scenes from advancing if the text is hidden. The scene repeater is sadly too much of a pain to add, given that I didn't originally plan for it, and now the scenes are spread around hundreds of events in dozens of maps, and I'd have to manually find each one, strip the code out of the scenes and then figure out how to track which ones are unlocked... It's not impossible, but it would take a few months of doing just that, which isn't ideal.


As time goes on, I inevitably get less comments, so it's nice to hear they are still worthwhile.

I can't make any promises about Tania. As I said, I think she does have her arc, which meets the "minimum requirements" to be in the final version.

I'll also check the goblin girl and the Zanark inn scenes.

There are some lore books already, although they are usually accessible as individual books on shelves (like in the mages guild). Some topics in particular you'd like me to expand on? 

I think Erica does have enough of a personality. She is halfway between a "voiced protagonist" and a "blank slate", meaning that she does have a few fixed personality traits, while the rest is up to the players.

That's for sure. I am just not a fan of walkthroughs personally, but I understand how useful they can be.

I do have a ton of ideas for future games, so I wonder what I'll end up doing. Well, at least short term it's just Caliross and TOTDC 2.

Well, everything can have a final repeatable scene, of course. I just planned for the fairy queen to be a one shot, but I'll think a bit more about it, in case I change my mind. I think it also makes sense for the carillon content to end there, but as I said I'll think about it.

I mean, overall we have a few dates and 4-5 scenes with Tania. She isn't at the level of the more fleshed out characters, but I think it's good enough for her arc.

Once you reach a critical mass of mind-controllers, I feel it's better to leave some of them without any "grand schemes" of sorts. I am going to double-check Lady Rosa's content before the final release, but there is a good chance I won't do anything major with her.

There are various libraries in the game: The closest one in Tarkas is accessible if you are part of the mage guild. Go to the library in the basement and do your research there (there is a shining spot in the library). If you are a student at the magic academy, there is also a library there (ground floor, top-left corner). There are others, but these are probably the easiest ones to access. I might have to add one you can access just by paying a fee, for those that don't want to progress any of the secondary paths.

Samantha gets swept by the mood quite easily, as you might have noticed, and the scene isn't much when you get down to it. Let's say that Erica doesn't want to take advantage of her. :p

Anything you thought was particularly cryptic but isn't meant to be a secret?

The spider lady comes from a rare species.  In the pantheon of Caliross, they occupy a weird spot, since they aren't gods, but are still direct creations of Byr (who created all the other gods). The demons are also direct creations of Byr, but unlike the demons, they have at least been "touched" by Santhora. While their reproductivity is also stilted, they can make up for it with "broodmothers" from other species. They are all females, and have the ability to create their own domain as well as travel through different planes (they rarely appear on Caliross, simply because they go to other planes with different species, generally).
Their powers are kind of a necessity, given how they reproduce, although it's partly a double-edged sword (they get infatuated with whoever they develop a bond with).
This is what I remember I had in mind when writing her. Note that not all of it is ironed out, since I didn't think there was a reasonable way to introduce all of this background info, and it wasn't strictly necessary for the scenes and her character.

The fairy queen scene is likely to be turned into a one shot, but I left it repeatable for now.

The carillon will also be changed in the future (I had left it repeatable just because I hadn't added all the art to it yet, but now I can put an end to it).

I'll see if Dominique needs a repeatable final scene. Tania is basically finished at this point (with the scene I added for her in the last public update), I just need to consider adding her to the ending slides.

I'll take a note to double-check the brothel before 1.0. No guarantees, but I'll at least look into it.

The walkthrough will probably get updated soon-ish, and I'll try to sort the quests by chapter (it should be easy to do). I generally mention whenever there is content tied to traits or stats, but that's usually more relevant for the H-scenes list (which is much further behind). Honestly, I don't personally think the walkthrough is so vital, but I am sure it's convenient for players, enough to justify putting some effort into it.

Samantha likely won't get a path. I prefer it when not all the characters end up in bed with the protagonist, and Samantha is perfect as supporting cast, rather than a love interest.

Kira already has her moment with Carla and Erica, so that already makes it less interesting to pursue another "confrontation" involving her for me. Generally speaking, they also don't cross paths often, and Eliza has leverage as someone with business relationships with the League, I think it makes sense to leave it as it is.

The spider lady is just flaunting her status and power over you. She is basically confident you'll come back to her, eventually, as you can't possibly resist her and she has all the time in the world, but her content ends there. I'll give Rahib another look, although no city really compares to Tarkas, as far as content goes.

Well, everyone has emails, at least, XD

I am not big on social media, in fact I dragged my feet even to get on Discord, so I guess I am a bit harder to reach than your average indie dev.

Originally, the academy wasn't going to be in the game: I had plans to wrap things up a while ago already, but patrons voted to extend the development and things are taking much longer than I originally estimated. The game has been in development for several years, so at this point I'll have to live with some thing not being perfect for the 1.0 release. That doesn't mean I can't update the game at a later date, but I want to get some closure and then move on to my next game.

I kind of want to make a time travel game, but I am not sure if I would set it in Caliross, although it's something to consider, now that you make me think about it. Then again, it's going to be years before I get around to it, most likely (my next game is already decided, and in the early stages of development).

Eliza doesn't deal directly with Kira, but she does have contacts with the League of Merchants, which is why the two never really interact (Kira doesn't really have a reason to be suspicious of her, and her bosses have business with Eliza, so there isn't a good reason to have them meet). While she does have her own "bad end", she is also featured in the ending slides if you completed her path, and she affects a few things here and there, actually (for example, you can't become empress if you are involved with her).

And I am sorry for giving you incorrect information last time. I checked to make sure, and the questlog tells you what you should do before trying to enter the sewers: you must go to a library to do a research about the catacombs first. For some reason, I forgot about that (I didn't even mention it in the walkthrough, so I'll fix that as soon as possible).

On the plus side, you should be able to finish the quest without issues, now.

If you mess with the F5 and F6 keys, you can cycle through a few options for scaling. The game is still low-res, however, so it is what it is.

This was made with an older version of RPG Maker, which had no mouse support. In theory it could be added, but at this point there would be too many problems in doing so (meaning, it could break certain puzzles/interactions).

I do have a Discord, but so far I kept it for patrons-only (or rather, you must donate at least once to get the invite link). I did it like this to make it easier to moderate, although it might be too restrictive.

There are other ways to contact me, though: I have a blog, I have threads for my game on several forums (like F95 Zone, or TFGames) and you can send me reports to this email:

I get what you mean, but the academy has been dragging for a while, so I am wary of adding new content. Also, I am not sure I have any interesting ideas for a showdown between Charles and Eloise (or the others, for that matter).

Eloise is getting new scenes, so there is that, and I can think of including some events around the academy which are affected by your relationships, that makes sense.

One of the reasons why Baal is so restricted as a character is because otherwise it would warp the story and the world around him (same deal for the "orc timeline girl"). It would be different if the story revolved around time travel (or something similar) at its core, but as it is I'd rather keep him on the fringe.

No need to apologize. :) I am italian!

Yeah, that's the gist of it. Santhora is like a very romantic bimbo who happens to be a goddess, pretty much, so she brings life, love, happiness and chaos wherever she goes.

I can probably fix the repeating dialogue, but you gotta tell me where/when you saw it, or the exact wording so I can track it down.

Did you try the fast travel again after you reloaded? Was it day or night?

It's probably not possible if you don't sit next to him. I haven't double checked how many points you have available, but there is a drastic reduction if you don't sit next to him.

In the mage guild ending, Erica looks cool (see attached image), isn't that enough? Although it seems like it was bugged and didn't show up during the ending (but it unlocked in the gallery). I just don't see how the Empress ending should have anything to do with also getting spells and becoming powerful.

Note that some of the content in the academy is still a work in progress. I'll make sure the Eloise shower scene reflects that it's not the first time afterward. I don't think Marjorie's path is going to be changed at this point: I feel she got the protagonist where she wants, which is why she doesn't see the need to push, and just lets you come to her, and she is selfish enough that it didn't make sense for me to write an ending where you can continue playing.

I can see a scene or two for the "free use" stuff being added to round things up. The romance with the captain isn't complete just yet, but it's getting there. I'll make sure to add more gossip with the cheerleaders, that's a good point. Also, note that if you don't get involved with the captain, you can actually have group sex with some of the team members (the two paths are mutually exclusive).

I honestly don't think I am going to add more "crossover" paths at this point. I liked the idea with Carla and Kira, but after you do it once, it kind of loses impact. Plus, the characters have to make sense together, which is kind of a rarity. Finally, the academy is taking too much time already, and I am trying to finish the game, so I don't think I'd go for it at this point in time.

Similar deal for a "graduation", it's beyond the scope of the game. If you do complete all the classes, however, I can at least acknowledge it, and maybe use it as another way to get a vote when trying to become a noble, so that there is an effect outside the academy. I could also have something in the mage guild, and perhaps a slide during the ending. Once you finish all classes, I was thinking about repeatable bonuses you get for still showing up, but I have been stalling because it's hard to balance properly.

Paths being more developed and refined is a bit generic. If you think a specific path needs work, you can tell me what it lacks in your opinion, and I'll consider improving it if I like the idea and it fits my schedule for the game.

Sure, you can ask/tell me more. I'd recommend you keep the messages a bit shorter, though, otherwise it's hard to respond (you can always bring up other topics you have in mind later, no need to tell me everything in one go). Some grammar would also be appreciated. It's hard to read without punctuation, especially for a non-native english speaker like me.

Don't worry. This pops up every now and then, but that art is actually part of a DLC for RPG Maker. It's just that it's used so rarely, I basically had it exclusively for a while. XD

I'll probably avoid it for important characters in future games, though.

Hi there! Bug reports are always welcome, and I try to fix known issues immediately whenever possible.

You must have at least a relationship score of 5 AND a flirt score of 3, having just a flirt score of 5 alone isn't enough. I'll make sure to emphasize this in the walkthrough as well.

I am not sure if having an all-powerful Erica fits the game's themes.

What's the problem with the academy? I am willing to change stuff if there are problems, but I need you to tell me more. Suggestions are welcome so long as they don't turn upside down the path.

Technically, there are no furry options (although there is a "bad end" where you can turn into a proper cowgirl). The protagonist's transformation are usually into animals for solving puzzles (no bestiality or anything like that)..

You can get it on with a minotaur and various other mythical creatures (mermaids, demons, succubi, tentacle monsters and so on), so there is some "adjecent" stuff. The cowgirl content is more about mental transformation/hypnosis (mind control is the most common theme by far), so the protagonist generally doesn't physically transform permanently (unless it's an ending). Some exceptions are that you can grow/shrink your breasts/butt or you can become a werewolf (but again in this case the transformation and the sexy content don't overlap, as you transform completely into a wolf).

I wonder if it would be fine to have items which are already available in the game as rewards. In theory, there isn't a big problem with adding new weapons and armors (although it would take some time to consider the balance and to think about what would make sense as a gift from this or that character), clothes however are a different beast, since I only ever use them to unlock unique scenes (due to how the game was coded, it's extremely awkward to add a clothing system now), so those are probably off the table. If we were talking just about a memento/gift, that would also be pretty easy to do (obviously).

Yeah, there were plans for a werewolf quest, but it's getting cut at this point (might be something to add if I eventually revisit the game in the future). At least the alpha stuff is acknowledged in the ending, and you do get a bonus in battle from it.

The H-scenes list is missing a lot, and I am also getting ready for my next game. While you can expect me to make progress on that front, it won't be completed quickly either. It's the problem with one-man projects like this one.

Thanks! ^_^

Hi, glad you liked the game!

1) At this point, it would be too difficult to balance for new party members. I partly regret not using at least 3 party slots but it made sense for the story, but it is what it is.

2) I figured not all paths should have a gameplay effect. I think that thematically, it makes more sense this way. However, if you have specific suggestions for specific paths, I can consider them. It's kind of hard, since I am close to finishing the game, but you never know.

3) The H-scenes list was added a few years after development started, so it's lagging behind. Finding the time to improve it without getting in the way of the game isn't easy either, which is why I haven't updated it in a while. Ideally, it would have a "miscellaneous" section divided by area, with all scenes listed.

That's what I was going for, so I am glad the game felt that way. I think that making a game with a bad story is almost pointless (since at that point, you might as well just watch regular porn XD). It's better to have some investment in what's going on, and you can't have that if the story is a complete mess.

I wish there were more effects for factions/paths in general, but I didn't manage my time properly. I probably should have cut a few paths to have the opportunity to expand others more, but this was my first open-world(ish) game, and I didn't find a great balance between the various elements. Lessons learned for the future, I guess.

If you saw the cutscene with Cero Falk, the door should open. The entrance is in the same map as the Spider's Nest, do you have the right building?

I haven't updated the document in a while. Since it's not essential, it's the first thing to suffer whenever I am too busy, so it's been lagging behind.

1) Thanks for letting me know! This will be fixed from version 0.9.14, most likely.

2) No way to remove traits other than using the debug tool (if you use the "travel sphere" among the key items, and interact with the green sphere, you can toggle traits). Note that since the game isn't built with the idea of traits being removable, if you started a path that required a trait, future scenes in that path might still read as if you have the trait.

As for hiding text, do you mean hide the dialogue box? If so, pressing CTRL toggles the visibility.