This is also in the walkthrough:
Just search for the name of the quest, since you already know it.
This is also in the walkthrough:
Just search for the name of the quest, since you already know it.
You can find the solution in the walkthrough (CTRL+F for "Cow-rustling" if you can't find the right section):
The walkthrough is linked in the game folder, and it's basically 99% complete. If you do find something missing, though, don't hesitate to ask me!
It's in the second temple. If you check the walkthrough, you can find the releveant section here:
It's the section titled "Puzzle 02 (optional)".
There are ways to boost will or int (studying at libraries increases INT
and training with Carla at the bazaar past will increase your WIL after you max out your HP bonus, for example), however inhibitions only ever go down.
You can use the debug tool (named "travel sphere") and inside the room you are teleported to there are a few colored globes you can interact with to change Erica's stats, but there is no proper in-game way to raise INH.
This version of RPG Maker is pretty old, and doesn't natively support Android, unfortunately. It's possible to get it to run using a program called "Joiplay". There are some extra steps involved because it needs the RTP as well, but basically it's possible to play this on Android, however it's something the players must do on their own.
I'll cure you guys of your Skyrim addiction!!! Once I finish looting this random cave...
We'll see what I come up with. As I said, the bet size reduction I already did might be enough, so people can still grind a little, they just hit diminishing returns sooner. I am not really worried about balance in a single-player game, so long as it's not something completely abusable.
Well, there are always ways to limit how much money one can make through gambling grinding alone: as I mentioned, I reduced the max size of the bet, which might already be enough, if not too much. There are other approaches too: you mentioned an idea I had with Sonya "nudging" you into stopping for the night, or limiting the bet size further but increasing it with each consecutive win in a session, so that you actually need some luck and can't just save-scum your way into riches too smoothly.
It's also worth mentioning that you shouldn't really need to grind to begin with, and if that's the case I can always tweak quest rewards upward, or add more money/treasure to find around the world, instead. Do let me know if some quests felt too stingy or if there is something that is priced too high.
No problem, I didn't see it as a criticism at all. Everyone is naturally curious about that sort of stuff for a game that is in active development. If I sound defensive, it's just because I was hoping to have Caliross finished quite a while ago, so it stings a little that I haven't been able to wrap things up.
Glad you had fun with it. Yes, I'd like to have something more for chapter 4 and 5, that's one of the last things I have on my list of things to do.
You are right that I should change either the library entry or the tablets a little (I added the library after the temple, and I must have gotten a little overzealous with sharing some details, especially the Byr connection, so I'll remove that reference and make things less obvious/wrong). You gotta put yourself into Erica's shoes, though: she wouldn't be very willing to believe she descends from demons. Also, wars are fought all the time (I don't think the tablets refer specifically to humans as the enemy), so there should still be some ambiguity. Maybe I'll add more references to wars with and among other species, to muddy the water. XD
I was originally planning to add a couple of islands with a town/village for each, but this is one of the things getting cut for now. If I ever revisit Caliross with a "DLC" post 1.0, this is one of the things I'll likely add.
Yeah, I need to update the walkthrough (it's a bit hard to find the time, as it takes away from development).
Beatrix can be found at the pub, next to the Queen of Hearts (she sits at the corner). If you are a cowgirl she sends you away, though (the cowgirl "modifications" make your blood unappetizing to her).
There is one special item you can get from the old man at the Bazaar if you have Jin as your slave, but I never actually implemented the special orders, maybe I should remove it from the dialogue options.
Maybe you are referring to an apartment? In the apartment building there is one area you can enter as mouse (I don't remember any houses which require a mouse transformation in the residential district).
Free shapeshifting would be too much work to implement, given how RPG Maker works: it's the kind of stuff you either plan for at the start of the game, and then it's "just" a lot of effort, but it's actually almost impossible to pull off this late into development. Plus, revealing everything about the shapeshifters is actually a bad idea, believe me! XD
The game is almost finished, it's just that the last couple of years have been a mess: people voted for an extension over the basic 1.0 plan I had, and not only it took longer than I expected to implement most of it, I also kept having health issues which slowed things down. Scope/feature creep hasn't helped either. XD
In theory, we should be a few months away from completing the game. I'll try to be more aggressive in trimming down my plans for the game, but I have been wrong several times before, so calling a date now feels wrong.
Also, it's worth noting that the main questline is complete, and you can already "finish the game", so to speak.
You can do the quest even with the trait. Check the walkthrough in case you missed something.
To update the game, just download the latest installer or the .7z archive and extract it as normal. Make sure to copy your saves from the previous version folder to the new one, if you don't want to start over. You should also copy-paste the "MyProject" folder if you want to keep your settings.
You just need to examine the dress of the blonde girl sitting with the blue-haired girl to progress. I know that it might seem silly (since the color is visible) but you can imagine this as making certain she isn't wearing a different color underneath, for example. Anyway, the scene progresses as soon as you do that and back out of the conversation, so you can continue without worries. ^_^
I have heard about this happening very rarely. The most common cause I know of is if you try to save when the game's folder is located in a restricted folder on the PC (like "windows" or "program files"), and another one can be if the folder got set to "read only" somehow. More rarely, if a script got added/changed and you load an old save, sometimes things can go wrong too (but I don't think I changed any scripts in recent months).
Basically, it's a freak accident and more often than not it's not an issue with the game itself, so sadly I can't really "fix" it.
Patreon was reviewing the page for "sexual content" (basically, they don't like explicit stuff on public pages). They told me to rewrite it (without specifying what's wrong, of course) and now they are taking their sweet time to evaluate if my changes are good enough.
In the meantime, you can check this google doc for the changes.
I might make this the default, to avoid similar issues in the future, but I'll wait a little longer to see if I can go back to using the old page first.
I have already tweaked things so the maximum bet now is 999G, I'll see if I can think of something "on brand" for the QoH to get you to stop playing (like, they offer you free drinks until you get drunk, and if you refuse maybe Sonya talks you into it after a few more bets).
Could you send me your savefile? I might have to take a look myself. Remember, there are 4 girls to keep track of.
Hey there, glad you are enjoying the game!
What if I limit the maximum bet size a little more, just to keep the situation from spiraling out? Grinding becomes less worthwhile if I increase the necessary time by 10 or 100. I might also add a "soft cap" by manipulating the odds after a certain threshold for the day. I didn't do it before because I felt like the game gave enough money anyway, but we players tend to min/max wherever we can.
You are likely not stuck, but you must make sure to fully exclude all potential candidates, by having a "full profile" for all of them, even if logically you can already tell who's the one to convince. Since Navarra's powers aren't perfect, she wants to be sure you know as much as you can before you act.
The other possibility is that one of the third party scripts messed up. I have one to store variables outside of savefiles, and I have noticed it rarely, and seemingly at random, messes with variables it isn't supposed to interact with, maybe that's the issue (as it "remembered" the time you received the message in the previous save).
Deleting the "MyProject" folder can fix those issues, but it's probably not worth the effort at this point (and it's not guaranteed that's the problem to begin with).
Glad you like the art as well! I have had a couple of different artists over the years, so the look is not as consistent as I would like, but I like the visuals overall.
I don't think I would ever use AI tools for the art, unless I was forced to (like running out of money or having trouble finding an artist to work with). I think at this point all scenes should have at least some art, unless I am forgetting something.
The game could be updated to add more content with some work, but as I mentioned I am trying to wrap things up, so it's unlikely we'll see many new maps, other than the ones I have already planned.
I probably went a little too wide with the content, but at least we got plenty of variety out of that! :)
Glad you like the game! Sadly, I can't really have the body changes in the scenes (it's hundreds and hundreds of them at this point). My next game will have fewer options, but will show them all during the scenes, though. That specific scene at the pub might get something extra, but generally speaking I am trying to wrap things up for the game, so don't expect a lot of extra content for old events.
There are no ways to increase inhibitions. I didn't feel it was necessary, since most of the time it's just a way to gate content.
You can pray at Santhora's temple, to decide whether or not you get pregnant from sex, unless you mean you'd want something you can use to avoid individual pregnancies even when you have the pregnancies active.
Generally speaking, the hypnotist at the circus is a quick way to unlock traits, so not all of them have content in the area. I'll think about adding something.
It's a bit tricky to add more specific directions for the quests at this point. It's a lesson learned for my future games, but at this point I don't think I can change the questlog for Caliross.
Currently, there is a hidden secret to reset certain paths in the game (it can be used 3 times per playthrough) so you can use it to check mutually exclusive paths, or restart a path from the beginning, however I don't have a system to just revisit paths.
If you have become a slave, there is a way to reset things at the end of the path and return to before being enslaved. I'll think about the option to skip chores once you are an obedient slave.
I decided to limit it to 1 slave per game. Having their paths cross would be too difficult to pull off in a satisfying manner. They already have some choices and difference in their individual arcs, so it's going to stay as it is.
Could you tell me more about this quest? I don't remember one where we kill bears.
The latest public version is the one you can find here on (0.9.18). Patrons get 1 month early access (so they are one version ahead: 0.9.19). Both 0.9.6 and 0.979 are older versions of the game (much older, in fact).
Thank you for playing it! ^_^
You mean that you can't find where the treasure is hidden? Did you start counting from the precise spot you see with the telescope? If you hit any of the checkpoints in the wrong order, you have to start from the beginning. I have added a screenshot of the starting point to the walkthrough, for reference.
Edit: Checking the code, it's possible to mess the steps recognition by walking on the starting point twice in a row, however walking back to it and trying again should fix the issue, so if that's the problem simply trying again should be a natural workaround (this will be fixed from version 0.9.20 onward).
This one uses visual hints: if you light only one fireplace, you might see that the smoke goes to the left or to the right, depending on which side the lit fireplace is. Also, you'll notice that each fireplace has some "unique-looking" tiles south of it, and this is true for the central chimney as well. These indicate the "strength" of the fire (and the target for the chimney).
The lit fireplaces must reach 5 strength to the left and to the right to solve the puzzle. It's a bit abstract, but it's a magic challenge, after all. XD