Oh wow, so there Was an even more gruesome scene....I wished I saw it, not wanting that to happen to me tho XD
Life is unpredictable, sometimes it will deal you the best hand in the world.. and sometimes you get the worst cards in history, but what we can control is how we deal with it. If you can keep moving forward despite the circumstances then you're already amazing to keep on pursuing your love for writing. I wished I continued writing myself, so don't let the fire burn out.
For me it was the scenes that was my forte, putting the fight/dance/love scene into words on paper was what gave me the greatest joy. As for dialogue I could do one on one but, as the characters increase I lose tract easily. I remembered the first VA I played, it was magical and I got hooked easily. I wished I could have gotten advise back then, so keep fighting and writing! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ✎
It's amazing! They add even more colour and life~
Everyone needs a couple of good words for when things start to go grey.
But worry not, cause the positive words are on the way!
You make people smile with just a few words that you wrote.
Just look at the people here that your writing brought!
It's easy to let dark thoughts get in the way.
But don't let those pesky things ruin your day!
Just think of all the people that read your work and just smile~
You bring laughter and enjoyment all across the Nile!
So I wont waste more time and just get to the point.
You are amazing, not just writing and all, you don't disappoint.
But as the you who keeps living each and every day.
You give strength to people life us who just muddle our way.
So from all of us weary travelers who read your works~
We are thankful even though our life sometimes hurts...
Life isn't so bad specially with you around.
So thank you, for all the works that you do.
So smile, because that what you give people too.
Just a little poem I wrote!
Haha I'd like that, I do like to project myself into the mc, it makes playing better~ so yeah BxG, but I still play anything really. I can't wait for more to come~
She knows........... omg.. she's hunting me! send halp! (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)
As much as I want to get mauled by her and spam this thread with post, can I talk to you via email then?